May 9, 2024

Thursday, May 9, 2024
May 9, 2024

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Even Secularists Are Noticing… There’s A Spirit Active In The World—And It’s Evil

That evil spirit that concerns Mr. Bongino and many of his friends and colleagues is made manifest by John’s Holy Spirit-inspired revelation. The spirit of Antichrist is as prevalent as in the apostle’s time of writing about it.

Even Secularists Are Noticing… There’s A Spirit Active In The World—And It’s Evil

That evil spirit that concerns Mr. Bongino and many of his friends and colleagues is made manifest by John’s Holy Spirit-inspired revelation. The spirit of Antichrist is as prevalent as in the apostle’s time of writing about it.

Jack Hibbs Ad

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad


Even Secularists Are Noticing… There’s A Spirit Active In The World—And It’s Evil

That evil spirit that concerns Mr. Bongino and many of his friends and colleagues is made manifest by John’s Holy Spirit-inspired revelation. The spirit of Antichrist is as prevalent as in the apostle’s time of writing about it.

Did Republicans Just Let In An Anti-Christian Trojan Horse?

Christians must be alert to the deceptive intrusion of anything with a stated goal of stopping and criminalizing certain types of speech. Legislation that purports to bring greater degrees of safety offered to us during times of national crisis always has ulterior motives buried deep within the language.

Deception Is The Driving Force Behind The Division Crippling America

These divisions are not a one-and-done kind of thing. A group divides, then the two resulting groups have divisions, and on it goes. Like nuclear fission, the chain reaction of divisions can lead to massive explosions. 

Neither Christ-Centered Nor Biblical: Examining The Dangers Of The New Apostolic Reformation

The New Apostolic Reformation, commonly known as NAR, has been called both a movement and a theological belief. NAR is neither a Christ-centered movement nor a biblically correct theology.

With Only Weeks Away, Experts Urgently Warn WHO Pandemic Treaty Will Usurp US Sovereignty

Americans stand just weeks away from handing over massive amounts of taxpayer funding, protective equipment intended for U.S. citizens, and an incalculable amount of influence over U.S. policy to the World Health Organization (WHO), critics warn.

Debunking Popular Lies About The Pre-Tribulation Rapture

One of the most unpopular beliefs among Christians today is that of the pre-Tribulation Rapture. Many not only scoff at our expectation of meeting Jesus in the air, but also ridicule those of us who believe it could happen at any moment.

Truth Has Become A Casualty In Modern Journalism

Journalism once provided truthful insight into the news of the day. Follow-up exposés were common as more information became available. Readers were encouraged and enabled to understand the implications of the facts surrounding the news and arrive at a well-informed perspective. Those days are long past.

Disturbing Hostility Toward Bible Prophecy: Why Does The Church Neglect This Profound Evangelism Tool?

Rick Warren characterizes prophecy as a “distraction” and says that anyone who lets himself get involved in distractions like studying prophecy “is not fit for the kingdom of God.”

The Churches Are Sleeping: When Did The ‘Woke’ Pulpits Become The Norm?

It is extremely exciting to live in a day when so many prophetic events are converging, yet when I speak with my peers, many pastors and churches are sleeping, not concerned about the events unfolding right before us.

The Pulpit Is Responsible

America's greatness has been undergirded from the beginning by our Judeo-Christian moral foundation. The Mayflower Compact, which the Pilgrims landed with in 1620 in Plymouth, states: "Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and the advancement of the Christian faith ...." DeTocqueville, at the time of the American Revolution, attributed America's greatness to the American pulpits "aflame with righteousness."

Rising Global Conflicts Make A Perfect Setup For Events Predicted In Scripture

The nations of planet earth are presently engaged in a deadly game of brinksmanship. It’s happening on every continent.

Is The Church Fighting An Uphill Battle With No End In Sight?

For those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, it is easy to become discouraged and overwhelmed by how rapidly this world is “slouching towards Gomorrah,” as Robert Bork famously put it. Indeed, it seems like the church is fighting an uphill battle with no end in sight.

The Spirit Of Antichrist In America— Eliminating God From Our Calendar

We are seeing a landslide of new anti-God days and times while, at the same time, the reduction and even elimination of religious holidays on our calendar. All of this points toward the coming of the Antichrist.

Counterfeits: How Tyrants Use ‘godhood’ As A Means Of Propaganda And Rule

When we celebrate His death, burial and resurrection, let us also celebrate His ascension.  For because He is ascended, we are promised that He will come again to rule and reign in perfect righteousness.  Then, no more will the world be subject to tyrannical rulers who claim they are gods.

The Deception, Lawlessness, And Violence That Define Our Day, Will Have No Part In Jesus’ Kingdom

There’s actually good news behind the push of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and UN to establish the devil’s new world order. It not only tells us that we live in the last moments of human history, but it also points to the nearness of the glorious kingdom that we will inherit...

Why The Once Strong Moral And Social Fabric Of America Is Slowly Tearing Apart

We are living in unprecedented times. America appears to be imploding. The once strong moral and social fabric of American society has become threadbare and is showing serious signs of tearing apart. How did this happen?

Today’s Assault On Bible Prophecy Takes Aim At Jesus’ Future Glory

Over the past few years, I have noticed an underlying current in teachings that deny what the Bible says about the Rapture, the seven-year Tribulation, and Jesus’ thousand-year reign. They greatly diminish the magnificence of Jesus’ role in end time events.

The Watchman On The Wall Must Look Out Into The Darkness… But Daylight Is Coming

Christian watchmen also watch for danger, but they also watch for signs of something wonderful. Jesus promised to return, and He said that as that time approached, there would be certain signs.

‘Technological Salvation?’: Engaging A World Increasingly Reshaped By Artificial Intelligence

In a secular age, humans want some form of technological salvation. And that’s the one thing that can’t possibly happen. Technology can’t save us.

Are You Concerned About The Implementation Of AI Facial Recognition?

In the future, if not already, there is little we will be able to do without someone knowing what we are doing or where we are going. Scripture told us this day was coming (Revelation 13:16-18).

There Is A Problem In The Church Today: Slumbering, Self-Serving, Christian Leaders

Spiritual leaders are “watchmen” who must be awake to the dangers that threaten God’s people.  The watchman’s task was not confined to mere observation, but extended to sounding the alarm, alerting the inhabitants of a city to the imminent danger they faced.

God Has Given Mankind His Prophetic Word—Will You Disregard It?

Sadly, today there are many who claim to follow Christ but deny the reality of Bible prophecy. Regarding God’s prophetic Word, if Satan were to ask, “Did God really say?” they would essentially respond, “I don’t know, and I really don’t care.”

Postmodernism — Intent On Suppressing And Perverting The Truth Of God

So, what is the major problem with postmodernism?  Fundamentally, it comes down to how truth is treated. Since the postmodernist does not believe that truth is knowable with certainty, they must uphold a different virtue as part of their vision. 

Markell: We Are Under Siege Like Never Before

I have watched Bible prophecy attacked, scorned, mocked, criticized, and improperly taught for a lot of years. There has been overwhelming confusion about the last days. Again, that is predicted, so no surprise (II Peter 3:3–7).

Vladimir Putin May Be A Bloodthirsty Tyrant, But Is He An End-Times Figure?

The Bible in Ezekiel 38 and 39 talks about an individual called Gog. These two chapters were written over 2500 years ago, but they read like they were ripped from today's headlines.

Artificial Intelligence: Are We ‘Summoning Up Demons’?

AI cannot speak anything into existence or give anyone eternal life. It cannot give anyone comfort, guidance, or offer anyone peace or hope. It cannot still the wind or calm the sea. It is more like Frankenstein than like God.

There Is No Justice On The Shifting Sand Of Rogue Philosophies And Tyrannical Lusts

Mankind has consistently done a very poor job of administering justice when the laws used to determine justice are constructed on the shifting sand of rogue philosophies and the subsequent politics that pander to tyrannical lusts.

Computer Vulnerabilities — Just One Area Modern Societies Stand On The Brink Of Disaster

The power grids of all the nations are computerized and internet connected. That makes them vulnerable to cyberattacks. The potential damage done by a sustained power outage over half the United States is incalculable, but the threat is real.

Satan’s Incarceration: One Of The Great Flaws In ‘Kingdom Now’ Theology

Now, amillennialists have said, "The kingdom is right now. There is no literal kingdom; it's a spiritual kingdom. God is ruling and reigning right now in the church and over the hearts of His people." But if this is the kingdom, that means Satan should be bound. Have you looked around at the world? Does it seem like Satan is bound? Because if he is, it's not a very good binding.

Setting Out To Dethrone God: The Slippery Slope Of ‘Statism’

As we have seen with other political and social ideologies in the past and present, the purveyors of this reality then set out to dethrone God.  That is why all forms of statism must be rejected by Christians.  We should not entertain the acceptance of any ideology which seeks to usurp God.

Replacement Theology: A Backdoor Assault On The Integrity Of Scripture

Much like a quarterback suddenly tackled from behind by a player from the opposing side, the claim that God has rejected Israel and replaced the nation with the church represents a blindside attack on the integrity of Scripture.

Markell: We Can Only Tolerate Looking Around If We Also Look Up

The end is near is not a saying on a sandwich board worn by some homeless person marching down Main Street. Rather, it is the hope of the believer. Most people call it the Rapture. And no, it’s not an escape hatch.

‘Victim To The Woke Ideology’: Air Force Member Sets Himself On Fire Outside Israeli Embassy

"[Bushnell] is a member of the United States Air Force who has allowed himself to fall victim to the woke ideology and the progressive propaganda of a demonic agenda that has long been predicted in the Bible. That prediction is - that God will not stand with those who are against Israel and His people, the Jews."

Hal Lindsey

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Jack Hibbs Ad