May 12, 2024

Sunday, May 12, 2024
May 12, 2024

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State Of The Church

Did God Change His Mind?: United Methodist Church Chooses To Embrace And Welcome Sin

Sadly, instead of throwing off the sin that entangles and disables (Hebrews 12:1-2), the UMC chose to embrace and welcome the sin, effectively changing the label from sin to "a matter of personal conscience." Did God change His mind?

Did God Change His Mind?: United Methodist Church Chooses To Embrace And Welcome Sin

Sadly, instead of throwing off the sin that entangles and disables (Hebrews 12:1-2), the UMC chose to embrace and welcome the sin, effectively changing the label from sin to "a matter of personal conscience." Did God change His mind?

Jack Hibbs Ad

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

State Of The Church

Did God Change His Mind?: United Methodist Church Chooses To Embrace And Welcome Sin

Sadly, instead of throwing off the sin that entangles and disables (Hebrews 12:1-2), the UMC chose to embrace and welcome the sin, effectively changing the label from sin to "a matter of personal conscience." Did God change His mind?

Pastors: Don’t Prepare The Bride To Meet The Antichrist, Prepare The Bride To Meet Her Bridegroom

As a pastor who believes in a pre-Tribulation rapture, let me say this: I am not preparing the bride for wrath; I am preparing the bride for a wedding.  I am not preparing the bride to have her garments stained by the wickedness of the world, I am preparing the bride to hold onto the purity and hope of Christ.

Neither Christ-Centered Nor Biblical: Examining The Dangers Of The New Apostolic Reformation

The New Apostolic Reformation, commonly known as NAR, has been called both a movement and a theological belief. NAR is neither a Christ-centered movement nor a biblically correct theology.

End Of Debate… Christians Must Support Israel

As the fighting continues on and the body count rises, much of the world has maddingly turned their support to the terrorists and tragically against the victims! To my surprise, even Christians seem to be struggling with why they should be supporting Israel.

As A Pastor, I Will Not Stand By Idly As The Horror Of Antisemitism Unfolds Before Our Eyes

As Bible-believing Christians we should understand that the Jews have always been and always will be God’s chosen people. Antisemitism is evil, and as leaders and followers of Jesus we must speak out against it loudly and constantly.

Debunking Popular Lies About The Pre-Tribulation Rapture

One of the most unpopular beliefs among Christians today is that of the pre-Tribulation Rapture. Many not only scoff at our expectation of meeting Jesus in the air, but also ridicule those of us who believe it could happen at any moment.

Disturbing Hostility Toward Bible Prophecy: Why Does The Church Neglect This Profound Evangelism Tool?

Rick Warren characterizes prophecy as a “distraction” and says that anyone who lets himself get involved in distractions like studying prophecy “is not fit for the kingdom of God.”

Skip Heitzig: Why ‘Religious’ People Are The Hardest To Reach

The hardest people to reach are the ones who don't understand how bad off they really are. Their religion pacifies them to the point that they're insensate to their needs.

If Christians Aren’t Standing With And Supporting The Jewish People… Who Will?

Tsarfati stated that "prayer was the most successful air defense system." I agree. We know that when God's people pray, and especially when they have been and still are interceding for Israel and the Jewish people, God hears their prayers.

The Churches Are Sleeping: When Did The ‘Woke’ Pulpits Become The Norm?

It is extremely exciting to live in a day when so many prophetic events are converging, yet when I speak with my peers, many pastors and churches are sleeping, not concerned about the events unfolding right before us.

The Origin Of Hitler’s Final Solution: Why The ‘Wannsee Conference’ Is A Stark Warning For Christians

The Wannsee Conference had 15 attendees. Over half of the fifteen held doctorates. Most had also studied law. All fifteen were professing Christians. Because of their presence at Wannsee, all played their part in the extermination of the Jews, whether directly or indirectly. 

Is Revelation Difficult To Understand… Or Difficult To Believe?

It is critical that we understand up front that this final book in the canon of God’s Word is not merely the fanciful and imaginative vision of John the Apostle. The very first verse in the book establishes that it is “The Revelation of Jesus Christ.”

The Pulpit Is Responsible

America's greatness has been undergirded from the beginning by our Judeo-Christian moral foundation. The Mayflower Compact, which the Pilgrims landed with in 1620 in Plymouth, states: "Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and the advancement of the Christian faith ...." DeTocqueville, at the time of the American Revolution, attributed America's greatness to the American pulpits "aflame with righteousness."

Why Knowing The Imminency Of The Rapture Is So Critical For Believers

In spite of the long wait and scoffing that comes my way, I remain convinced that imminency is not only incredibly important for today, but also an essential aspect of our walk with the Savior.

Pulpit Problems: 41% Of Churchgoers Find No Biblical Problem With Homosexual ‘Marriages’

In many churches, the Bible is simply taught as a book of good morals, or even worse, as positive reinforcement for not being “judgmental.” Like King Jehoiakim in Jeremiah 36:20–26, many church leaders have no qualms about cutting up the Word of God and throwing it into the fire if they don’t like its message.

Trusted Ministry Leader Warns ‘The Poison’ Of Antisemitism Is Spreading Across US Churches

"[The] saddest and most concerning, in my opinion, is the poison that is spreading in churches across the U.S., which makes a distinction between Israel today and the Israel of the Bible. A growing number of church-goers, mostly in the evangelical camp, are questioning modern Israel's right to exist and to defend itself."

Why Are Pulpits Silent Regarding Our Future Resurrection?

Pulpits far too often remain silent regarding the implications of Jesus’ resurrection for us as believers. I have heard many Gospel presentations that end with the certainty of God’s forgiveness of our sins, which is essential, but contain no reference to eternal life.

A Remnant May Be Cheap And Worthless By The World’s Standards, But Not By God’s

The remnant church may be hated by the world and disliked by Laodicean-era churches, but God has a distinct purpose for them.

America’s Freedoms Are Slowly Slipping Away As Christians Are Sitting Silent

We as Christians will persevere in the darkest of times, but the America we know will not survive without the Judeo-Christian pillars that our Founding Fathers knew.

The Rampant Practice Of Mocking The Rapture Should Remind Us That Time Is Running Out

There are also signs within the church that things are wrapping up, and, sadly, they are negative. The Bible does not say there will be a huge revival or global Great Awakening prior to the rapture. As a matter of fact, it says the opposite will be taking place.

Today’s Assault On Bible Prophecy Takes Aim At Jesus’ Future Glory

Over the past few years, I have noticed an underlying current in teachings that deny what the Bible says about the Rapture, the seven-year Tribulation, and Jesus’ thousand-year reign. They greatly diminish the magnificence of Jesus’ role in end time events.

There Is A Problem In The Church Today: Slumbering, Self-Serving, Christian Leaders

Spiritual leaders are “watchmen” who must be awake to the dangers that threaten God’s people.  The watchman’s task was not confined to mere observation, but extended to sounding the alarm, alerting the inhabitants of a city to the imminent danger they faced.

God Has Given Mankind His Prophetic Word—Will You Disregard It?

Sadly, today there are many who claim to follow Christ but deny the reality of Bible prophecy. Regarding God’s prophetic Word, if Satan were to ask, “Did God really say?” they would essentially respond, “I don’t know, and I really don’t care.”

We Are To Reach Today’s Culture… Not Compromise To It

No matter which generation we’re sharing the gospel with, the message does not change. The gospel that the apostles delivered in the first century is still the one being shared today.

Markell: We Are Under Siege Like Never Before

I have watched Bible prophecy attacked, scorned, mocked, criticized, and improperly taught for a lot of years. There has been overwhelming confusion about the last days. Again, that is predicted, so no surprise (II Peter 3:3–7).

Satan’s Incarceration: One Of The Great Flaws In ‘Kingdom Now’ Theology

Now, amillennialists have said, "The kingdom is right now. There is no literal kingdom; it's a spiritual kingdom. God is ruling and reigning right now in the church and over the hearts of His people." But if this is the kingdom, that means Satan should be bound. Have you looked around at the world? Does it seem like Satan is bound? Because if he is, it's not a very good binding.

Replacement Theology: A Backdoor Assault On The Integrity Of Scripture

Much like a quarterback suddenly tackled from behind by a player from the opposing side, the claim that God has rejected Israel and replaced the nation with the church represents a blindside attack on the integrity of Scripture.

Does Pope Francis Have All The Markers Of An Apocalyptic Figure?

Pope Francis has spoken at the White House, Congress, and the U.N. pushing climate change and “sustainable development” which is again all about global government! One has to wonder where he fits the gospel into his agenda. It doesn’t appear as though it does. One writer calls him a “wolf in Pope’s clothing.”

Modern Israel: Is It Biblical To Be A ‘Christian Zionist’?

The term "Christian Zionist" came into being in the mid-20th century. Before that, 70-80 years ago, it was known as "Christian restorationism" and had been since 16th century England. These were groups of people who believed that the Jewish people had a right to their ancient homeland being restored.

As Plain As It Gets: The Bible Is Clear On The Rapture… So Why All The Debate?

With the benefit of a completed revelation from the whole New Testament, including all the epistles and the book of Revelation, we know that there are two stages: the rapture and the second coming. And we're dealing with the first phase.

Is Pursuing Happiness Instead Of Holiness ‘The Plague Of The Church’?

One of the great injustices brought to bear on believers through the preaching of the prosperity gospel is their belief that the true Christian ideal is to be happy and prosperous. No - the true Christian ideal is to be holy.

Why The World Treats The Bible Like A ‘Pick And Choose’ Buffet

New believers, then and now, like to make their own religious system by approaching religion as a buffet: you pick and choose the things you want from many choices. "I'd like a large helping of Eastern philosophy and a small order of Christianity, hold the guilt."

Skip Heitzig: Has God Cast Away His People And Replaced Them With The Church?

By right of creation, God owns the world. By right of selection, God owns the land of Israel. And He can give it to anybody He wants to. He gave it to Abraham and his descendants...

Hal Lindsey

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Jack Hibbs Ad