May 2, 2024

Thursday, May 2, 2024
May 2, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Pushed To Suicide: The Callous Regard For Human Life In The Canadian Health System

1.1% of the population of Canada over the six years of 2016–2022 were euthanized, and the numbers are growing rapidly each year. The agency’s recent report showed a decrease in life expectancy for the third consecutive year.

Pushed To Suicide: The Callous Regard For Human Life In The Canadian Health System

1.1% of the population of Canada over the six years of 2016–2022 were euthanized, and the numbers are growing rapidly each year. The agency’s recent report showed a decrease in life expectancy for the third consecutive year.

UK Lawyers Argue Employing Christians May Lead LGBT People To Suicide, Calls John 3:16 ‘Triggering’

The organisation’s lawyers argue that they can’t employ someone like Felix because his views on sex and gender might ‘damage’ the mental health of people identifying as LGBTQ+. They take their argument to the extreme when they assert that those identifying as LGBTQ+ might kill themselves if they discover [an employee] is a Christian.

Government Overreach On Homeschooling Thwarted In Queensland After Serious Backlash

CitizenGo remarked that the exponential growth in homeschooling “has terrified governments as, unlike in private schools which are still subject to a woke national curriculum, the government cannot control what homeschooled children are taught. The sanctity of homeschooling stands as the last bastion of liberty to safeguard our children’s future.”

Pushed To Suicide: The Callous Regard For Human Life In The Canadian Health System

1.1% of the population of Canada over the six years of 2016–2022 were euthanized, and the numbers are growing rapidly each year. The agency’s recent report showed a decrease in life expectancy for the third consecutive year.

Calif. AG Accused of Sabotaging Effort to Ban Dangerous Gender Treatments on Kids

The initiative, called the Protect Kids California Act by its authors, was approved for consideration by California Attorney General Rob Bonta, but only after Bonta changed how the title of the initiative would appear on ballots—from the original title to the “Restrict Rights of Transgender Youth” act.

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Fearless: with Cissie Graham Lynch

Fearless hosted by Cissie Graham Lynch helps believers have fearless faith in a compromising culture and challenges us to be bold in our households, communities and friendships.

Morality,pro-life,parental rights,harbingers daily,religious freedom,biblical morality

Stand Up For The Truth: with David Fiorazo 

David Fiorazo hosts Stand Up For The Truth, a daily one-hour podcast tackling tough issues, and sharing the news of the day impacting Christians.  

Calvin Smith Podcast

GREAT Conversations with Calvin Smith 

Join AiG Canada Executive Director Calvin Smith and his guests as they have G.R.E.A.T. (Gospel, Relevance, Evangelism, Apologetics, Training) Conversations relating to church and culture today.

Charlie Kirk Podcast

The Charlie Kirk Show 

Turning Point USA Founder Charlie Kirk has your inside scoop on the biggest news of the day and what’s really going on behind the headlines. 

Morality,pro-life,parental rights,harbingers daily,religious freedom,biblical morality

Washington Watch with Tony Perkins 

Washington Watch with Tony Perkins features interviews with congressional leaders and pro-family Washington insiders presenting perspectives on government activity that directly affect our faith, family & religious freedoms.

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‘Young People Have Been Experimented On’: Scotland Pauses Puberty Blockers for Minors

“You tried to bully people out of their jobs for opposing you. Young people have been experimented on, left infertile and in pain.”

Court Rules Nurse Can Challenge State Law Barring Abortion Pill Reversal Treatments

Colorado is all too happy to let medical staff prescribe the “abortion pill,” but if the patient changes her mind and wants to save the baby, the same medical team cannot offer progesterone to counteract mifepristone.

House Speaker Prays Through Foreign Aid Controversy, Seeking To ‘Operate In Accordance With God’s Principles’

Tuesday night, as he wrestled with what the right path forward was, he turned to the Lord in prayer. “He was torn between trying to save his job and do the right thing,” House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul, a GOP colleague from Texas, said. “He prayed over it.”

Report Sounds Alarm on Puberty Blockers: ‘Professionals Are Afraid To Openly Discuss Their Views’

“Children have been badly served by an ideological system which believed that affirming children in a false gender identity and prescribing harmful drugs was helpful. We are created male and female, and we cannot change this.

Experts Warn New ‘Homeschool Hub’ Is Seeking to Control Next Generation of Home Educators

As the global war on educational liberty heats up, Johns Hopkins School of Education is launching a new “Homeschool Hub” that has experts and advocates deeply concerned. Many say it is part of the escalating effort to bring homeschooling families under government control. 

Prayer Rallies Led By Concerned Parents Take Place In 50 State Capitals

Rob McCoy, senior pastor of Godspeak Calvary Chapel in California, called on Christians to combat evil in the culture, saying, “The biggest problem we’re facing in America is that the church needs to rise to the occasion to contend against evil.”

The Rejection Of Absolute Truth Has Become A Dangerous Modern-Day Fad

The mantra of the Post-Modern Era is the statement, “There is no such thing as absolute truth.” Truth is viewed as being relative. You have your truth, and I have mine, and neither of us have the right to declare that our truth is the absolute truth. This mantra is a lie.

‘Willing Self-Deception’: Canadian Doctors Amputate Healthy Fingers Of Young Man With ‘Body Dysphoria’

Sadly, neither the young man with BID nor the Canadian medical team paid much heed to what God’s Word has to say about our bodily worth. The medical team proceeded with the amputation.

Healthy Woman, 28, to Be Euthanized in the Netherlands; Franklin Graham Urges Prayer

“I wish Zoraya knew how much God loved her,” Franklin Graham posted on Facebook Sunday, “and I pray someone can get to her and tell her that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, from Heaven to Earth so she could have forgiveness of her sins and have a relationship with Him.”

Australian Parents Pull Children From School After Graphic Class Teaching About Bestiality

According to whistleblowers and outraged parents, children as young as 13 in a South Australia school were forcibly taught about sexual activities with animals as part of a “queer” LGBTQIA+ “sex education” class. The revelations drew outrage from parents and half-hearted apologies from “education” officials. 

‘Designed To Stop Free Speech’: New Scotland Hate Crime Law Sparks Outcry

“The law seems to be designed to stop free speech and impose the LGBTQ agenda on all of Scotland,” Franklin Graham posted on Facebook. On April 1, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the Scottish Parliament to protest the law and its potential effects on free speech.

The Spirit Of Antichrist In America— Eliminating God From Our Calendar

We are seeing a landslide of new anti-God days and times while, at the same time, the reduction and even elimination of religious holidays on our calendar. All of this points toward the coming of the Antichrist.

UK Lawyers Argue Employing Christians May Lead LGBT People To Suicide, Calls John 3:16 ‘Triggering’

The organisation’s lawyers argue that they can’t employ someone like Felix because his views on sex and gender might ‘damage’ the mental health of people identifying as LGBTQ+. They take their argument to the extreme when they assert that those identifying as LGBTQ+ might kill themselves if they discover [an employee] is a Christian.

The Agenda To Eradicate Biblical Christianity From American Culture

In the latest obvious attack on God, believers, and the biblical worldview, the Biden Democrats used a high-profile opportunity to offend Christians. Days before Easter, they banned religious (read “Christian”) images at the White House and also declared March 31 (Resurrection Sunday) the “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

As ‘Chronically Absent’ Students Skyrocket, Officials Look For New Ways To Force Compliance

Some jurisdictions such as Washington, D.C., have rates as high as 60 percent of students chronically absent, according to news reports. At the federal level, the Biden White House announced an “all-hands-on-deck approach” to getting children back into regular attendance at their indoctrination centers.

‘Rights Come From God’: Dismantling The Dangerous Lie of Personal Autonomy

“We live in a culture that views any kind of authoritative hierarchical structure as being inherently oppressive. In our culture, it’s considered virtuous to identify what your deepest desires are and then make those desires your actual identity. So, in other words, culture would say, ‘I am who I feel I am.’”

Pulpit Problems: 41% Of Churchgoers Find No Biblical Problem With Homosexual ‘Marriages’

In many churches, the Bible is simply taught as a book of good morals, or even worse, as positive reinforcement for not being “judgmental.” Like King Jehoiakim in Jeremiah 36:20–26, many church leaders have no qualms about cutting up the Word of God and throwing it into the fire if they don’t like its message.

‘Judgment Is Coming’: Christians Decry Biden’s Proclamation Of Trans Visibility Day on Easter Sunday

“The Bible says, ‘…they proclaim their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them!’ (Isaiah 3:9). Judgment is coming,” he added. “Instead of celebrating sin, we need to confess our sins, repent of our sins, and ask for God’s forgiveness.”

MSNBC: Christians Were Pro-Abortion Since ‘The Time Of Jesus’ Until The Right ‘Invented The Issue’ As Religious

"Clearly, there is an effort underway to convince Christians that the Bible is either neutral on abortion or even pro-choice."

Left Media Descends Into Panic As Homeschool Mom Runs For NC Superintendent

Obviously, the establishment was not pleased with Morrow referring to public schools as “indoctrination centers” and blasting them for brainwashing children with “socialism.”

As Abortion Pill Cases Hit The Supreme Court, US Sees Highest Number Of Abortions In Over A Decade

“Abortion supporters try to make it sound more acceptable and less barbaric by saying that it ‘terminates a pregnancy.' But medication abortions, as they are called, are just another way to deliberately end the life of an unborn child—and that should be called what it is—murder.”

What To Do When Our Elected Leaders Betray Biblical Values

"What we're dealing with across the country, and it's not just in Virginia, is to maintain religious liberty that our Founding Fathers enshrined in the First Amendment," Hamrick said. "It's being threatened right now in multiple ways. This is just one example here in Virginia..."

Alarming New Report Shows 22% of Generation Z Americans Now Identify As LGBT

“The rub, I think, comes in whether God defines homosexuality as sin. The answer is yes. But God goes even further than that, to say that we are all sinners—myself included."

Lawmakers Work To Humanize The Victims Of Abortion In The Minds Of School Children

Last week, the Tennessee House of Representatives passed the “Baby Olivia Act” requiring public schools to show videos of babies developing in the womb prior to birth.

Is the Anti-Christ LGBTQ Revolution Irreversible?

Believers in Christ must expose today’s deceptive philosophies, have compassion, and warn others as we connect the dots of demonic agendas aimed at children.

Leaked Messages Show Pro-LGBT Doctors Knowingly Push Life Threatening Hormones on Children

Another doctor admitted repeatedly that most doctors know that many children and their parents don’t understand the effects that puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries will have on their bodies.

California Bribes Children With Taxpayer Money To Promote Totalitarian Policies

Government schools are not just dumbing down and brainwashing captive children. They are now literally bribing them with taxpayer money to promote totalitarian policies and dangerous ideas that have produced death, starvation, misery, and destruction everywhere they take root.

‘Highest Percentage Of No Votes In Irish History’: Ireland Rejects Effort to Redefine Family

Voters in Ireland have resoundingly rejected two constitutional amendments that attempted to redefine traditional definitions of family and motherhood.

‘Creeping Culture Of Censorship’: UK Police Concede After Unlawful Silencing of Street Preacher

Jeremiah Igunnubole, legal counsel for ADF UK, said, “Dia Moodley’s case exposes a clear double standard in British policing when the issue concerns the expression of core beliefs; particularly Christian beliefs.

Science Magazine Claims West’s ‘Aversion’ To Cannibalism Is Rooted in Racism, Colonialism, And Christianity

So our “aversion” to eating other people is a leftover of Western colonialism, racism, and Christianity! Basically, this argument is “wokeism” applied to cannibalism (of all things!).

‘Milestone Victory For The Culture Of Death’: France Enshrines ‘Right’ To Abortion Into Its Constitution

"[The decision] is largely a publicity stunt by the nation’s elected leaders, but we must also recognize that the move represents a major milestone victory for the Culture of Death. Christians must realize that the move in France can only be explained by the nation’s radical secularization and the eclipse of the Biblical worldview.”

Christians Must Not Be Intimidated Into Silence By A Weaponized Government

We must let it be known that we will not be intimidated into silence by a weaponized government, nor will we allow Marxist tactics that seek to marginalize the Christian faith to cause us to shrink back into the shadows of society.

Being Made In God’s Image Provides The Only Sure Foundation For Human Rights

Who and what is a human being? This is perhaps the most compelling moral and ethical question facing us today. How we answer this question will largely determine our view of such issues as abortion, infanticide, genetic engineering, cloning, the whole range of “human rights” issues.

The New Frontier — Dismantling Institutions Which Hold A Biblical Worldview

Forcing Christian ministries to hire employees who disagree with Scriptural truths on these fronts is the camel’s nose under the tent. It would turn these ministries into watered-down, secularized versions of themselves, without the same grounding, passion and mission they have operated with for centuries.

‘The World Will Hate You’: UK Politician Cleared After Biblical Tweet Ignites Firestorm

“How I have been treated is really troubling for a democratic society. It must ring alarm bells as this can now happen to anyone that is not in support of this extreme LGBT movement."

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Morality,pro-life,parental rights,harbingers daily,religious freedom,biblical morality

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Morality,pro-life,parental rights,harbingers daily,religious freedom,biblical morality

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Pushed To Suicide: The Callous Regard For Human Life In The Canadian Health System

1.1% of the population of Canada over the six years of 2016–2022 were euthanized, and the numbers are growing rapidly each year. The agency’s recent report showed a decrease in life expectancy for the third consecutive year.

As The Pillars Of Civilization Become Unsteady, People Are Longing For An Unshakable Foundation

Unlike man-made bridges that collapse under extreme forces, Jesus bore the weight of humanity’s sins—past, present and future. The Son of God, who never once sinned, shed His blood and died for every single one of our trespasses

Government Overreach On Homeschooling Thwarted In Queensland After Serious Backlash

CitizenGo remarked that the exponential growth in homeschooling “has terrified governments as, unlike in private schools which are still subject to a woke national curriculum, the government cannot control what homeschooled children are taught. The sanctity of homeschooling stands as the last bastion of liberty to safeguard our children’s future.”