July 26, 2024

Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

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World news biblically understood




Does Mankind’s Exponential Increase In Knowledge Point To Jesus’ Soon Return?

The exponential curve is not just limited to computers. Other advances in biomedicine, space science, chemical engineering, human engineering, and all the other sciences have been climbing faster and steeper up their exponential curves with every passing day.

Does Mankind’s Exponential Increase In Knowledge Point To Jesus’ Soon Return?

The exponential curve is not just limited to computers. Other advances in biomedicine, space science, chemical engineering, human engineering, and all the other sciences have been climbing faster and steeper up their exponential curves with every passing day.

Jack Hibbs Ad

untitled artwork

Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad


Does Mankind’s Exponential Increase In Knowledge Point To Jesus’ Soon Return?

The exponential curve is not just limited to computers. Other advances in biomedicine, space science, chemical engineering, human engineering, and all the other sciences have been climbing faster and steeper up their exponential curves with every passing day.

Increased Knowledge In The Last Days—The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

With the explosion of globe-trotting transportation and the exponential growth of human knowledge (sadly lacking wisdom most of the time), it seems as if we are at the threshold of the “end of time” that the Lord spoke about.

Where Technology And Eschatology Intersect: Prophecy Coming Into Focus

Until 70 years ago, anyone who read Revelation 11 had to wonder how the entire world will one day look upon the bodies of the two witnesses lying in the streets of Jerusalem.

The Entire World Is Accessible At Our Fingertips to Share The Gospel Of Jesus And His Soon Return

While Satan continues to purge the Christian voice from the Internet in his mad climb toward global domination, his control is not yet absolute, granting the Church a short window of opportunity.

Biometric Technology And A Cashless Society: Why People Are Asking Questions About The Mark Of The Beast

This is a well-known unbeliever talking at length about the mark of the beast, reading the book of Revelation, making this connection between a cashless society and the rise of the antichrist. 

Not Science Fiction: Neuralink Brain Chip Implant To Begin In-human Clinical Study

Their vision for these brain implants is to cure a wide range of medical conditions, which is excellent. However, they are promoting that the device is also planned to enable web browsing and telepathy.

The Digital Trance: The Church’s Burden To Reach The First Truly Post-Christian Generation

How do we appeal to Generation Z to leave their digital world and taste and see that the Lord is good, particularly when they feel that the digital world more broadly meets their social, economic and spiritual needs? 

Falling For The Oldest Trick In The Book: Google Co-Founder Wants to Build AI as a ‘Digital God’

This was the very temptation that Eve and then Adam fell for—attempting to become their own gods. So, it’s no surprise that their descendants want to do the same thing...

Fake It Till You Make It… It’s Time to Question Artificial Intelligence

When AI is rampant, is there a point of singularity where we must question who is programming whom? Are we controlling AI, or is it controlling us?

Artificial Intelligence: Taking The World Towards The Perfection Of Global Tyranny

This is driven by an agenda which attempts to convince us that advancements in technology will help humanity, not harm it.

Days Of Noah: Jeff Bezos Funds Immortality Research?

A new Silicon Valley company that focuses on reversing the aging process is receiving major funding from the wealthy.

China Trying to Use COVID Fears to Launch Global Tracking System for Humans

China's communist leader Xi Jinping is calling for countries across the world to accept a global COVID-19 tracking system that uses QR codes in...

Is Amazon’s New ‘Pay By Hand’ Pre-Conditioning for the Mark Of The Beast System?

Although not the actual “mark of the beast”, there is concern that acceptance of such technology is pre-conditioning for when it comes along.

‘SkinMarks’ – Google’s New Tattoo That Turns Skin Into A Touchpad

It isn't science fiction, the wearable project is called "SkinMarks;" If this sounds like something you've read in the Book of Revelation you'd be correct...

President Donald Trump: Big Tech ‘100 Percent’ Wants to Control Information Americans See

“Yeah, 100 percent,” Trump said when asked if big tech companies like Google & others are trying to control information people see. “Do you have a doubt?”

Hal Lindsey

untitled artwork

Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Jack Hibbs Ad