April 19, 2024

Friday, April 19, 2024
April 19, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Is This What You Had In Mind, America?

Mass shootings one after another… Government paralyzed, not by disagreements, but by hate… The ongoing loss of constitutional rights…

Brentner: The Murder Of The Innocent Reminds Us Again Of The Prevalence Of Evil

Please let this Texas tragedy remind you of how Jesus described our enemy, the one we see becoming more active in our world by the day.

Trusted Church Leader Defies Johnson Amendment, Urges Pastors To Biblically Instruct On Political Issues

"There's a violent rhetoric against truth. And Christians have to be the light-bearers of truth. If we don't preserve truth, no one else will, and that has to get into politics."

Preach & Stand: The Time Before Jesus Returns For His Followers Is Running Out 

Our beloved nation is melting down. The jettisoning of traditional Judeo-Christian values has seemed to erupt at warp speed.

The Greatest Power Grab In History: Building The Infrastructure For Global Governance

The globalists are having a field day! Gaining inches some days and miles the next, they are marching toward their one-world system more each day.

Study Exposes Great Weakness In The Church: 62% Of Pastors Lack A Biblical Worldview

The reason the new study from Barna is shocking to some and concerning to most is because it exposes great weakness and wokeness in the church.

Pastors Boycotting Bible Prophecy Are Sabotaging The Sleeping Church

Pastors: as these things continue to escalate exponentially, people will show up at your church wanting to hear a biblical perspective on the chaos of our day.

Jack Hibbs’ Open Letter to Elon Musk: What Needs to be Fixed for Christians to Regain Faith in Twitter

Guess what? Christians are taking notice too… We’re hesitant because there are underlying factors that are more important to us than just tweeting.

Brunson: ‘The Majority Of Believers Are Not Ready For The Pressures Of Persecution, And This Is Very Dangerous’

"We still have robust legal protections—but as the commanding heights of our culture turn against our Judeo-Christian heritage, these protections can erode very quickly."

You Cannot Maintain Biblical Morality If You Have Subverted Biblical Authority

Why do moral progressivism and theological liberalism go hand in hand?—both impulses are rooted in an attempt to escape or undermine Scripture.

Franklin Graham: The Eternal Peril of Progressive Christianity

For decades, a war has been raging against Biblical Christianity that goes under the seemingly innocent name of “progressive Christianity.”

Jack Hibbs: Evil Is The Sickness That Has A Hold On California & Jesus Is The Cure

The Golden State has become the Gangrene State, with each new day revealing a heightened level of wickedness and putrescence.

Joe Kennedy: Prayer Shouldn’t Be a Firing Offense

Unless the U.S. Supreme Court rules in my favor, teachers could be fired for praying over their lunch in the cafeteria if students can see them. That doesn’t seem like the Constitution I fought for in the Marine Corps.

‘God Is Going To Judge America’: Franklin Graham Calls on the Nation to Turn Back to God

“I believe God is going to judge America. He has given us so much, and we’re so wasteful and so disobedient, and so wicked in what we’re doing as a nation. We just need to repent and turn from our sins."

‘TikTok Pastor’ Says Jesus Isn’t the Only Way

Once you open the door for compromise on the book of Genesis, it allows the door to continually be opened wider for compromise on the rest of Scripture.

Deconstruction & The House Built On Sand

Deconstructed people often present themselves as more enlightened, but that is only because their former faith was no faith at all...

Wickedness & Deception Have Become Rampant In Our World Today

My past examination of [Paul’s description of ‘perilous times’ in 2 Tim. 3:1-5] did not adequately prepare me for the wickedness and deception that’s rampant in our world today.

‘What We Discovered Was Startling’: Annual Report Reveals Massive Drop In Bible Reading Americans

The annual "State of the Bible" report found an "unprecedented" drop in the number of Americans who read the Bible, a discovery they called "startling, disheartening, and disruptive."

‘I Am the Master of My Faith’: How Dumping Christianity Is Trending

"[Deconstruction] encourages you not so much to be conformed to the image of Christ but to be conformed to the image of your own self-chosen faith," warned Strachan. "You become the master of your faith."

‘Remarkable’: Trusted Church Leader’s Podcast Tops Charts Immediately Upon Launch

Discussing the extraordinary success of the podcast, Hibbs told his congregation that he and his team "honestly don't know how this happened other than God."

Tribulation Rising: The Globalists Need a War

The words of Klaus Schwab are haunting. He stated some time ago that, “The Great Reset Needs a War.” We are so late in the game that the world’s Godless power brokers and global elite can think of only one thing: Global government.

7 Dangers Of Neglecting Biblical Prophecy In The Pulpit

Pastors, why not start preaching about biblical prophecy now rather than wait until people in your church demand that you teach on this subject…

Christless Conservatives Are Part Of The Problem 

Most “conservatives” today are heading toward the same direction as liberals and leftists—they’re simply progressing at a slower speed. Christless conservatives hate leftism, not sin. We Christians shouldn’t forget that.

Praise Of Zelenskyy Highlights The Global Hunger For A Worldly ‘Savior’

"Right now, the world lacks a leader. We don't have a leader in our White House. We don't have a leader in Europe, really. I believe the world is longing for somebody that they can look to as a hero, a Mr. Fix-it.”

Laurie: Why Understanding Bible Prophecy Is So Essential 

“I don’t know why more people don’t want to talk about eschatology or end-times events because Bible prophecy is not given to scare us but to prepare us”

Only 2% Of Young Parents Hold A Biblical Worldview: Barna Study Finds

Two major problems should be of great concern to the church: the biblical worldview continues to rapidly decline, and a majority of people who claim to be Christian are not even close.

Crime and No Punishment

Sadly, in cities across America, crime rates have soared due to liberal prosecutors’ misguided policies on issues such as bail reform and defunding the police.

When Government Suppresses The Truth

When a nation’s government criminalizes Biblical counseling and teaching about human sexuality and marriage, those called by God to preach the full counsel of His Word in season and out of season must stand with God before government.

The World Has Changed, God Hasn’t. 

Canada doesn’t belong to Justin Trudeau. Russia and Ukraine do not belong to Putin. The earth is Jesus’ inheritance, not Putin’s. 

Gog Stirring & Evil Rising: Is The Russia-Ukraine Crisis A Harbinger Of Biblically Predicted Events?

The conflict in Ukraine is an end-time turning point. It is much more than “wars and rumors of wars” predicted in the Bible for the end-of-days.

To Stay and Serve: Why We Didn’t Flee Ukraine 

In recent days, the events from the book of Esther have become real to us in Ukraine. It’s as if the decree is signed, and Haman has the license to destroy an entire nation. The gallows are ready. Ukraine is simply waiting.

Franklin Graham to Christians: ‘Your Full Redemption Is About To Take Place’

As you hear of the chaos & turmoil that marks our days, don’t yield for a moment to pessimism or hysteria—lift up your head and look up, for your full redemption is about to take place