July 25, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024
July 25, 2024

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World news biblically understood




Gary Hamrick: And Now, the Good News! — Romans 3-4

The world says, “Man is basically good.” But God’s Word says, “Man is basically bad and in need of a Savior!” Since man is...

Argentinian President Rebukes The ‘Bloody Abortion Agenda’ At The World Economic Forum

In a fiery speech to the gathering of globalists, Milei warned that "the Western world is in danger" thanks to "those who are supposed to have to defend the values of the West are co-opted by a vision of the world that … leads to socialism and thereby to poverty." 

Re-Writing God’s Word: China Is Following The Nazis’ Playbook In Its Tactics Against The Church

Altering the text of Scripture to conform it to the evil objectives of a morally bankrupt state will be about as successful as trying to grasp sunlight.

Brandon Holthaus: Eric Metaxas Attacks Christians Who Believe In The Rapture

Join us as we explore some of the recent attacks against Christians who Believe in the Rapture.

FRC Warns Against WHO’s Pandemic Accord: ‘The Loss Of Freedom Will Be Far More Life-Threatening Than Any Pandemic’

“We must speak out against this international agency’s ceaseless efforts to seize power, including through its proposed Pandemic Preparedness Agreement. We must not let power be aggrandized by unelected international bureaucrats that threaten every nation-state’s right to act in the best interest of its people.”

Rumors Of War: China Rebukes Election Of New Taiwan President; UK Offical Warns The Era Of Peace Is Over

“In five years’ time, we could be looking at multiple theatres involving Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. Ask yourself, looking at today’s conflicts across the world, is it more likely that that number grows or reduces? I suspect we all know the answer: it’s likely to grow.”

Dangerous Devaluing Of Life: Women Are Stocking Up On Abortion Pills Amid Fears Of Restriction

"Women stocking up on abortion pills is the natural consequence of over 60 years of telling men and women that sex is only about pleasure — and that the natural result of sex, children, should be feared.”

Dr. R.T Kendall: Finishing Well

Join Dr. R.T Kendall for his message at Times Square Church: "Finishing Well"

Michele Bachmann: Hatred Of Jews For Being Jews — Antisemitism Is Demonic, Irrational, And Satanic

The attack wasn’t about land. Israel had given all of Gaza to the Arabs in 2005. Not one Jew lived in Gaza. The goal of Oct. 7 was simple: Kill as many Jews as possible.

73% Of US Christians Say The Bible Doesn’t Influence Their Views On Israel: Poll

Only about a quarter of American Christians say the Bible influences their views on Israel as the Israel-Hamas war continues after the Oct. 7 attack on civilians in southern Israel killed over 1,200 and prompted an Israeli military offensive in Gaza. 

The Misconception That Leads Many Christians To Misunderstand God’s Plan For Israel

God was certainly angry with His people, but biblical prophecy makes it clear that in the end times, God would indeed return the Jewish people to the very Land which He promised them by covenant.

FRC President: Colorado’s Decision To Bar Trump From The Ballot Could Usher In ‘Unrestrained Lawlessness’

“This is spiritual, and there is an all-out spiritual war happening in our nation. And if we do not engage, it’s not just the country we lose. We will usher in the unrestrained lawlessness that we read about in the end times.”

Why Is Israel A Topic Of Confusion For So Many Christians?

When the Bible is considered as a whole, Scripture makes clear that God Himself promised to bring the Jewish people back from the four corners of the globe to the Land of Israel.

Michele Bachmann Revisits Site of Hamas Atrocities Where She Lived Nearly 50 Years Ago

"These are people's homes," Bachmann said in disbelief. "This isn't supposed to be a battlefield. This is where little children rode bikes and went to see their grandparents."

Chris Swansen: Verse By Verse — Leviticus 6-7

Join Pastor Chris Swansen of Calvary Chapel Chester Springs as he teaches expositionally through the book of Leviticus.