July 26, 2024

Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

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World news biblically understood




Prayer Rallies Led By Concerned Parents Take Place In 50 State Capitals

Rob McCoy, senior pastor of Godspeak Calvary Chapel in California, called on Christians to combat evil in the culture, saying, “The biggest problem we’re facing in America is that the church needs to rise to the occasion to contend against evil.”

‘Willing Self-Deception’: Canadian Doctors Amputate Healthy Fingers Of Young Man With ‘Body Dysphoria’

Sadly, neither the young man with BID nor the Canadian medical team paid much heed to what God’s Word has to say about our bodily worth. The medical team proceeded with the amputation.

If The Bible Had No Prophecy… There Would Be No End In Sight

If God had left prophecies out of His Word, we would have no idea of what the future holds. Instead, all we would know is that the world we live in is descending deeper and deeper into darkness, evil, and hopelessness.

The Pulpit Is Responsible

America's greatness has been undergirded from the beginning by our Judeo-Christian moral foundation. The Mayflower Compact, which the Pilgrims landed with in 1620 in Plymouth, states: "Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and the advancement of the Christian faith ...." DeTocqueville, at the time of the American Revolution, attributed America's greatness to the American pulpits "aflame with righteousness."

Former Cold-Case Homicide Detective: Christ’s Victory Over Death Is Indisputable

The evidential nature of Christianity provided it with a unique advantage. The resurrection, locked in the timeline of history and documented by eyewitnesses, distinguished Christianity from every first-century religious claim in the Roman Empire, and continues to do so today. 

Chris Swansen: Evolution — Atheist Fairy Tale

Pastor Chris Swansen — Short message: "Evolution — Atheist Fairy Tale"

US – Israel Relations, Amid Rising Bilateral Tensions: Israel At War – Jerusalem Studio

When Hamas viciously attacked Israel, committing unspeakable horrors, there was no daylight between Jerusalem and Washington. President Biden sprang into action and immediately provided...

Britt Gillette: Biblically Understood — Why The April 8th Eclipse Is Not Biblical

The Internet is abuzz with videos and articles chronicling the upcoming April 8, 2024 solar eclipse. Many people say it's a sign God's judgment...

Alabama Supreme Court Rules Embryos Are Humans ‘Made In The Image Of God,’ Worthy Of Protection

"Human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God, who views the destruction of His image as an affront to Himself. Section 36.06 recognizes that this is true of unborn human life no less than it is of all other human life.."

Justice Samuel Alito: Case Of Christians Excluded from Jury Duty ‘May Be A Foretaste Of Things To Come’

“I see no basis for dismissing a juror for cause based on religious beliefs,” wrote Justice Alito on Tuesday. “I am concerned that the lower court’s reasoning may spread and may be a foretaste of things to come.”

Are Scientific Journals Knowingly Publishing False Research To Promote Abortion Ideology?

"Our studies have been targeted, and these other studies that are obviously just ideologically driven have been allowed to pass without any scrutiny from the pro-abortion media.”

Why The Left’s ‘Moral Arguments’ On Open Borders Are Far From Biblical

The moral arguments being made in defense of open borders aren’t much different than the left-wing moral arguments being made on a range of other issues. It all comes down to the belief that you’re not loving your neighbor if you won’t let your neighbor do whatever they want.

Discerning the Times: Prophets for Today? — Josh Schwartz & Lee Brainard

Our staff pastor, Josh Schwartz, and apologist Lee Brainard, examine the need for prophets today. Is there new revelation today? What is the difference...

‘Palestinian Representatives’ Do Not Want A Two-State Solution; They Want The Final Solution

In a November 1 MEMRI TV interview, Hamas spokesman Ghazi Hamad said, “Nobody should blame us for the things we do. On October 7, October 10, October one-million, everything we do is justified.”

House Resolution Moves Forward To Place Nigeria Back On The CPC List For Its Slaughter Of Christians

“Both the victims of persecution in Nigeria and international religious freedom advocates have been crying out for years for the U.S. to take a greater response to the slaughter of Christians in Nigeria and the increasing and devastating use of blasphemy laws and allegations.”