June 24, 2024

Monday, June 24, 2024
June 24, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Virginia Library Features Sexually Explicit LGBT Books Next to The Bible for Holiday Display

A library in Fairfax County, Virginia faced a swift backlash after opting to include two sexually explicit books featuring graphic depictions of sexual acts, including pedophilia, next to the Holy Bible in a display celebrating holiday reading.

What’s more, the books, Gender Queer and Lawnboy, have received nationwide attention after a mother read the graphic sexual content out loud during a school board meeting in September, prompting the school to temporarily pull the books from high school libraries for a review.

The Bible, meanwhile, was depicted as being held by a gnome with a rainbow hat.

They were recently reinstated, despite the fact that Gender Queer, a graphic novel, features pornographic images including a drawing of a sex act between a man and a boy, while Lawnboy features a dialogue in which a character reveals he engaged in sex acts with a grown man when he was in fourth grade.

The Dolley Madison Library, however, quickly pulled the books from their display after their presence next to the Bible, particularly during the holiday season, sparked outrage.

“The Dolley Madison Library holiday reading display was intended to highlight the freedom to read and the fact that many library patrons have more time during the holidays to do so,” Fairfax County Public Library Director Jessica Hudson told Fox News on Tuesday. “It was not the intention of staff to create a display that could be construed as offensive. The display has been removed.”

Stacy Langton, the mother who went viral after reading aloud from Gender Queer and Lawnboy, posted about the display on Twitter.

She later told Fox News that she believed the ”brazen” display was “intentional” and “meant to be offensive.”

“The timing on this – it’s an intentional dig,” she also said. “It’s a dig on the parents who object to pornography and pedophilia-themed materials in the library, and it’s a dig on Christians as a whole. I think everybody knows where Jesus stands on pedophilia.”

“They’re saying that we’re not entitled to want a library space that is free of porn and pedophilia,” Langton continued.

“The tolerant Left is giving you guys some holiday hate,” she declared.

“Merry Christmas, taxpayers of Fairfax County, Merry Christmas,” she added sarcastically.

Although the display was pulled, Langton says she has organized a protest outside the library for Saturday.

HD Editor’s Note: Why Is This News Biblically Relevant?

Author and Stand Up For The Truth host, David Fiorazo, in a recent article explained that the “next stage of rebellion” in our society against God is “normalizing pedophilia.”

“America had been prepped decades ago for post-modernism and a new era of sexual behavior and expression. People began accepting immoral ideas and lifestyles that used to be called ‘sins,'” Fiorazo explained. “Though this rebellion and sexual perversion were not new historically, they had to be accepted and normalized.”

“The increase of adultery and abortion came first, which helped set the stage for pornography, homosexuality, transgenderism, Drag Queen Story Hours, and of course, pedophilia,” he wrote. “The progression has been clear: Reject Jesus and truth, indoctrinate kids, promote promiscuity, win over the culture, normalize perversion; no more shame, celebrate pride!”

“Anything goes – with one exception – in our ABC culture: Anything but Christ and the biblical worldview,” he asserted. “I would speculate that we cannot reverse this locomotive of immorality.”

Fiorazo then stated that “parents and concerned citizens” must “understand they’re recruiting children.” He further insisted that radical progressives have “already converted an army of young rebels and social justice activists.”

This problem is has been exacerbated by a church that is by and large silent on the moral decay plaguing our society.

“For decades, too many professing believers have taken the path of least resistance – or perhaps they’ve just been too busy and disinterested in the rampant invasion of evil, now being called good,” Fiorazo lamented. “But if we love others, we will keep telling the truth.

Through school and entertainment, children have been manipulated to believe the LGBT lifestyle is “natural” despite both Biblical and scientific truth. Romans 1 explains this sin comes also packaged with a hatred/opposition to God. This is a strategic and satanic deception causing children to stumble and set them up for a lifetime of gender/sexual confusion, and Biblical opposition.

This preconditioning of children is also something that the Bible does not treat lightly:

Matthew 18:6 KJV – “But whoso shall offend [cause to sin/stumble] one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who long for people to hear Biblical Truth.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God's Word.

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Of News Events Around The World.

Franklin Graham Establishes ‘Billy Graham Defense Fund’ To Protect Gospel Outreach In The UK

"We’re going to use these funds that came from this battle against cancel culture to help other Christians who may be threatened into silence," he announced. "This is a victory, not just for us, but for all Christians and churches across the UK."

Hamas Led The Charge On October 7th, But Islam Motivated Hamas

The Hamas attack does not reflect the actions of most Muslims, but it does reflect the Quran. All ideas are not equal. Adolf Hitler’s ideas were not as noble as those of Florence Nightingale. And Islam is not just another version of Christianity. They are as different as black and white, good and evil.

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The Church Age Is Winding Down—And The World Is Running Out Of Time

I have been watching the so-called signs of the times for a few decades. Nothing compares to the last five to ten years. Events have been stunning and game-changing.

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

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Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD

A library in Fairfax County, Virginia faced a swift backlash after opting to include two sexually explicit books featuring graphic depictions of sexual acts, including pedophilia, next to the Holy Bible in a display celebrating holiday reading.

What’s more, the books, Gender Queer and Lawnboy, have received nationwide attention after a mother read the graphic sexual content out loud during a school board meeting in September, prompting the school to temporarily pull the books from high school libraries for a review.

The Bible, meanwhile, was depicted as being held by a gnome with a rainbow hat.

They were recently reinstated, despite the fact that Gender Queer, a graphic novel, features pornographic images including a drawing of a sex act between a man and a boy, while Lawnboy features a dialogue in which a character reveals he engaged in sex acts with a grown man when he was in fourth grade.

The Dolley Madison Library, however, quickly pulled the books from their display after their presence next to the Bible, particularly during the holiday season, sparked outrage.

“The Dolley Madison Library holiday reading display was intended to highlight the freedom to read and the fact that many library patrons have more time during the holidays to do so,” Fairfax County Public Library Director Jessica Hudson told Fox News on Tuesday. “It was not the intention of staff to create a display that could be construed as offensive. The display has been removed.”

Stacy Langton, the mother who went viral after reading aloud from Gender Queer and Lawnboy, posted about the display on Twitter.

She later told Fox News that she believed the ”brazen” display was “intentional” and “meant to be offensive.”

“The timing on this – it’s an intentional dig,” she also said. “It’s a dig on the parents who object to pornography and pedophilia-themed materials in the library, and it’s a dig on Christians as a whole. I think everybody knows where Jesus stands on pedophilia.”

“They’re saying that we’re not entitled to want a library space that is free of porn and pedophilia,” Langton continued.

“The tolerant Left is giving you guys some holiday hate,” she declared.

“Merry Christmas, taxpayers of Fairfax County, Merry Christmas,” she added sarcastically.

Although the display was pulled, Langton says she has organized a protest outside the library for Saturday.

HD Editor’s Note: Why Is This News Biblically Relevant?

Author and Stand Up For The Truth host, David Fiorazo, in a recent article explained that the “next stage of rebellion” in our society against God is “normalizing pedophilia.”

“America had been prepped decades ago for post-modernism and a new era of sexual behavior and expression. People began accepting immoral ideas and lifestyles that used to be called ‘sins,'” Fiorazo explained. “Though this rebellion and sexual perversion were not new historically, they had to be accepted and normalized.”

“The increase of adultery and abortion came first, which helped set the stage for pornography, homosexuality, transgenderism, Drag Queen Story Hours, and of course, pedophilia,” he wrote. “The progression has been clear: Reject Jesus and truth, indoctrinate kids, promote promiscuity, win over the culture, normalize perversion; no more shame, celebrate pride!”

“Anything goes – with one exception – in our ABC culture: Anything but Christ and the biblical worldview,” he asserted. “I would speculate that we cannot reverse this locomotive of immorality.”

Fiorazo then stated that “parents and concerned citizens” must “understand they’re recruiting children.” He further insisted that radical progressives have “already converted an army of young rebels and social justice activists.”

This problem is has been exacerbated by a church that is by and large silent on the moral decay plaguing our society.

“For decades, too many professing believers have taken the path of least resistance – or perhaps they’ve just been too busy and disinterested in the rampant invasion of evil, now being called good,” Fiorazo lamented. “But if we love others, we will keep telling the truth.

Through school and entertainment, children have been manipulated to believe the LGBT lifestyle is “natural” despite both Biblical and scientific truth. Romans 1 explains this sin comes also packaged with a hatred/opposition to God. This is a strategic and satanic deception causing children to stumble and set them up for a lifetime of gender/sexual confusion, and Biblical opposition.

This preconditioning of children is also something that the Bible does not treat lightly:

Matthew 18:6 KJV – “But whoso shall offend [cause to sin/stumble] one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who long for people to hear Biblical Truth.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God's Word.

Franklin Graham Establishes ‘Billy Graham Defense Fund’ To Protect Gospel Outreach In The UK

"We’re going to use these funds that came from this battle against cancel culture to help other Christians who may be threatened into silence," he announced. "This is a victory, not just for us, but for all Christians and churches across the UK."

Hamas Led The Charge On October 7th, But Islam Motivated Hamas

The Hamas attack does not reflect the actions of most Muslims, but it does reflect the Quran. All ideas are not equal. Adolf Hitler’s ideas were not as noble as those of Florence Nightingale. And Islam is not just another version of Christianity. They are as different as black and white, good and evil.

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The Church Age Is Winding Down—And The World Is Running Out Of Time

I have been watching the so-called signs of the times for a few decades. Nothing compares to the last five to ten years. Events have been stunning and game-changing.

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

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