July 25, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024
July 25, 2024

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HomeProp 1

Prop 1

Billboard Campaign Strives To Open The Eyes Of CA Voters To The Heinous Reality Of Proposition 1 Before It’s Too Late

The billboards, launched by Stop Proposition 1, will garner over 10 million impressions and plainly inform the public that Proposition 1 will legalize up till birth abortion.

Billboard Campaign Strives To Open The Eyes Of CA Voters To The Heinous Reality Of Proposition 1 Before It’s Too Late

The billboards, launched by Stop Proposition 1, will garner over 10 million impressions and plainly inform the public that Proposition 1 will legalize up till birth abortion.

Jack Hibbs Ad

untitled artwork

Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Prop 1

Billboard Campaign Strives To Open The Eyes Of CA Voters To The Heinous Reality Of Proposition 1 Before It’s Too Late

The billboards, launched by Stop Proposition 1, will garner over 10 million impressions and plainly inform the public that Proposition 1 will legalize up till birth abortion.

Alliance Defending Freedom Sounds The Alarm On Proposition 1—’Intentionally Vague Terms’

"Everyone in the nation should have their eyes on California. As we have learned, what happens in California doesn’t stay in California. We are witnessing the progressive blueprint for the rest of the nation.”

Countering Newsom’s Deception: New Poll Shows Voters Are Starting To Wake Up To The Extremes Of Proposition 1

“The more Californians learn that Proposition 1 would legalize late-term abortion, the more they oppose it. This isn’t surprising since 79 percent of likely California voters said in an earlier poll that they would not support killing a child up until birth."

‘The Golden State Is Drenched In Blood’: Trusted Pastor Warns That Stopping Proposition 1 Is A ‘Matter Of Life And Death’

The biggest battleground and the most significant war that's taking place in this nation, if not the world, is the demonic murder of children in the womb, and California is leading the way.

Gavin Newsom: The King of Late Term Abortion

Make no doubt, this is the Birth Day Abortion amendment and the most radical legislation attempt in the history of the United States whereby a child can be exterminated up until the moment of birth.

Real Impact Survey Reveals Californians Are Being Deceived About Proposition 1… Trusted Pastor Warns Pulpits— ‘Silence Is Approval’

"Newsom’s radical liberal government is trying to sneak past the people of California a constitutional amendment that would pave the way for abortion without limitations."

Christians Must Wake Up, Speak Up On Abortion, Silence Is Approval!: David Fiorazo Interview with Jack Hibbs

Jack Hibbs and David Fiorazo discuss the confusion over Proposition 1, legislation in CA voters will be deciding on in November.

Hal Lindsey

untitled artwork

Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Jack Hibbs Ad