July 26, 2024

Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Playing With What We Don’t Understand: Biden Administration Considers Blocking The Sun To Fight Climate Change

Yes, even though it sounds like fake news, the idea of blocking the sun (via aerosols sprayed into the atmosphere to deflect sunlight) is reportedly being considered by the Biden administration as a way of fighting climate change. According to reports, “The National Academies said the United States must study technologies that would artificially cool the planet by reflecting away some sunlight, citing the lack of progress fighting global warming.”

Now, this is yet another ridiculous example of man thinking he is god! Despite our advances in science over the past few centuries, we still don’t really understand how the climate works, don’t possess good, long-term data on what the climate has been even in the recent past, and can’t create models that accurately predict the future—yet we should start researching methods that could dramatically change earth for all of life? It’s nothing more than human pride and hubris, thinking we know everything and can do anything. (It’s reminiscent of Genesis 11:6, “And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them.”)

But only God can truly control the sun: “Who commands the sun, and it does not rise; who seals up the stars” (Job 9:7). And the God who is all-powerful over everything—including nature—has said,

Genesis 8:22 KJV – “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”

Now, many people understand that reflecting the sun’s energy and other “geoengineering” ideas are “‘controversial’ experiments [which] can be ‘highly risky’ and produce ‘unintended consequences that ripple out all over the globe . . .’ that could ‘lead to a butterfly effect of disastrous events.’” Of course it could, because earth and our climate are very complicated and we don’t truly understand everything that’s going on!

And furthermore, we don’t need to worry about blocking the sun because climate change isn’t humanity’s biggest threat! When we properly understand the true history of the world (including a catastrophic global flood), we have a much better perspective on climate.

Instead of trusting man’s ideas grounded in evolution and millions of years, let’s put on our “biblical glasses” and think according to God’s Word in every area.

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Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God's Word.

Trusted Analysis From A Biblical Worldview

Help reach the lost and equip the church with the living and active truth of God's Word in our world today.




Together, We Can Deliver A Biblical Understanding

Of News Events Around The World.

Ignoring The Atrocities of Abortion, Dems Claim ‘More Children Die of a Gunshot Wound than Any Other Reason’

Abortion, the murder of children in their mother’s wombs (child sacrifice), which Joe Biden has aggressively promoted, is the leading cause of death of children in the US (actually, it’s been the leading cause of death globally for the past five years, with 44 million babies losing their lives in 2023, accounting for 40% of all deaths).

Pinprick Acts Of Aggression: Is China Testing The Waters For War?

Over in China, they are seeing the fracture in our country as a window of opportunity. They are also using it to bring disinformation through different social media platforms into our country and drive a greater political wedge.

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Tennessee’s Month-Long Call To Prayer Seemed To Arrive Just In The Nick Of Time

It occurred to Hibbs, as it did to everyone who joined in, “Who’s to say but that bullet that missed President Trump could be a result of everybody praying during the month of July? I mean, our God does not work in circumstances that are coincidences. He works in his sovereignty.”

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD

Yes, even though it sounds like fake news, the idea of blocking the sun (via aerosols sprayed into the atmosphere to deflect sunlight) is reportedly being considered by the Biden administration as a way of fighting climate change. According to reports, “The National Academies said the United States must study technologies that would artificially cool the planet by reflecting away some sunlight, citing the lack of progress fighting global warming.”

Now, this is yet another ridiculous example of man thinking he is god! Despite our advances in science over the past few centuries, we still don’t really understand how the climate works, don’t possess good, long-term data on what the climate has been even in the recent past, and can’t create models that accurately predict the future—yet we should start researching methods that could dramatically change earth for all of life? It’s nothing more than human pride and hubris, thinking we know everything and can do anything. (It’s reminiscent of Genesis 11:6, “And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them.”)

But only God can truly control the sun: “Who commands the sun, and it does not rise; who seals up the stars” (Job 9:7). And the God who is all-powerful over everything—including nature—has said,

Genesis 8:22 KJV – “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”

Now, many people understand that reflecting the sun’s energy and other “geoengineering” ideas are “‘controversial’ experiments [which] can be ‘highly risky’ and produce ‘unintended consequences that ripple out all over the globe . . .’ that could ‘lead to a butterfly effect of disastrous events.’” Of course it could, because earth and our climate are very complicated and we don’t truly understand everything that’s going on!

And furthermore, we don’t need to worry about blocking the sun because climate change isn’t humanity’s biggest threat! When we properly understand the true history of the world (including a catastrophic global flood), we have a much better perspective on climate.

Instead of trusting man’s ideas grounded in evolution and millions of years, let’s put on our “biblical glasses” and think according to God’s Word in every area.

Answers in Genesis - AIG - Logo

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and equip the church with Biblical truth.

Ignoring The Atrocities of Abortion, Dems Claim ‘More Children Die of a Gunshot Wound than Any Other Reason’

Abortion, the murder of children in their mother’s wombs (child sacrifice), which Joe Biden has aggressively promoted, is the leading cause of death of children in the US (actually, it’s been the leading cause of death globally for the past five years, with 44 million babies losing their lives in 2023, accounting for 40% of all deaths).

Pinprick Acts Of Aggression: Is China Testing The Waters For War?

Over in China, they are seeing the fracture in our country as a window of opportunity. They are also using it to bring disinformation through different social media platforms into our country and drive a greater political wedge.

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Tennessee’s Month-Long Call To Prayer Seemed To Arrive Just In The Nick Of Time

It occurred to Hibbs, as it did to everyone who joined in, “Who’s to say but that bullet that missed President Trump could be a result of everybody praying during the month of July? I mean, our God does not work in circumstances that are coincidences. He works in his sovereignty.”

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD