July 25, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024
July 25, 2024

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World news biblically understood




A Post-Christian Society: As England Has Gone, So America Is Going

Soon, Elizabeth’s son Charles will be coronated as King. His rejection of the Christian faith as the sole path to God is well-documented.

A Post-Christian Society: As England Has Gone, So America Is Going

Soon, Elizabeth’s son Charles will be coronated as King. His rejection of the Christian faith as the sole path to God is well-documented.

Jack Hibbs Ad

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad


A Post-Christian Society: As England Has Gone, So America Is Going

Soon, Elizabeth’s son Charles will be coronated as King. His rejection of the Christian faith as the sole path to God is well-documented.

Turkish Earthquake Death Toll Now Over 50,000: Where’s God in This Tragedy?

God has given us “big picture” truths we can apply to any situation, whether it’s in our own lives and families or in a country far, far away.

Stoking Fears Of An All-Out Nuclear Conflict — Is The Threat Credible?

God’s prophetic Word is the only reliable source to depend upon when it comes to future events. Everything else is just guesswork.

Artificial Intelligence: Is It Pushing an Anti-God Agenda?

Now, many people might assume AI is neutral, just giving users “the facts.” But those who build AI systems have a worldview—and that worldview dominates the answers AI bots give.

Globalism, Lawlessness, Apostasy: The World Is Ready, But Is The Church?

Yet the expectation of the coming of the Lord to gather His church to meet Him in the air with the dead in Christ is very low, and for many it is not expected at all.

Living As Normal In The Shadow Of Impending Catastrophe

This scripture means that the basic pursuits of humanity will continue, even as people adjust to new and growing problems.

‘This Is Where God’s Brought Us’: Franklin, Edward Graham Visit Emergency Field Hospital In Turkey

“The damage here is unbelievable,” Franklin Graham said. “Every building is leaning. Every building is cracked. It’s going to take years for this place to recover.”

Samaritan’s Purse Establishing Emergency Field Hospital in Earthquake-Crippled Turkey

As needs continue to grow, we will be deploying additional disaster assistance specialists and supplies to the region. Our teams will continue to work alongside local church partners to bring physical relief and share God’s love with those who are hurting.

Worldview With Amir Tsarfati: The Situation Is Beginning To Look Dire

Many in the West are very concerned because Ukrainian forces are suffering triple digit losses of personnel every day. Three days ago, four deputy ministers in Ukraine and five district heads all suddenly resigned, leading to speculation that Moscow is about to launch a major attack.

A Growing Number Of People Recognize Something Is Very Wrong With The Global Increase In Sudden Deaths

A Rasmussen poll, released on January 2, 2023, reveals that nearly half of Americans suspect that COVID-19 shots may be to blame for the significant increase in unexplained deaths.

The Catastrophic Destruction Of Sodom — An Important Picture Of Future Judgement For Our Present Evil Age

Given the significance that both the Old and New Testament place on the destruction of Sodom as a warning of future judgment, it is important to understand this event.

Russia Is Laughing at America’s Weakness & Wokeness Over Recent Prisoner Swap

As the world laughs at us, Americans are divided in our reactions to last week’s prisoner swap between Russia and the United States.

‘Worshipping The Creation Rather Than The Creator’: The ‘Climate Crisis’ Is Acting As A Catalyst For A New World Religion

Have God’s Commandments been replaced by new commandments? Has the earth become an object of worship rather than stewardship?

12 Indications The World Is Rapidly Running Out Of Normal

In spite of the long wait, I’m convinced that Jesus’ appearing is imminent because of the myriad of signs telling us that the Tribulation period is right on our doorstep.

The Infrastructure Of Antichrist: Living In The Age Of Surveillance

Services such as Alexa were originally built to make money and serve customers. Sadly, the companies that built them were unknowingly building the infrastructure of Antichrist.

Draconian Lockdowns And Forced Vaccinations… Now They Want Amnesty For Their Catastrophic Decisions?

At the very least we are owed an apology, but instead we are hearing our elites and leaders calling for an amnesty. They want to simply be let off the hook.

Climate Alarmists Bemoan Earth’s Population Hitting 8 Billion, But How Should Christians View This Milestone?

While this has been celebrated by some people, many climate alarmists, as expected, have been wringing their hands, moaning about the damage that such a large number of people are doing to “Mother Earth.”

Institute of Public Affairs Report Says Australia’s Aggressive Lockdown Measures Cost Lives

It is simplistic and myopic in that it assumes that totalitarian controls can be exercised over human behaviour without the detrimental costs of the lockdowns outweighing the benefits.

The Once Simmering Threat Of Nuclear Weapons On A Modern Battlefield Has Begun To Boil 

When students of scripture heard about the level of destruction imposed on Hiroshima, the descriptions reminded many of them of things they had read before — prophetic passages from the Bible.

Russian Military Targets Civilian Population Following Explosion on Crimean Bridge

On Monday, Russia launched deadly attacks on regions across Ukraine, including its capital Kyiv, in a barrage of what President Zelensky stated were Iranian-made drones and missiles.

It Is A Time Of Desperation, And That Means Anything Is Possible

As Russia’s leader is further weakened, he becomes more likely to lash out with the only thing Russia has that scares everyone else — his nukes.

Will The Nord Stream Sabotage Lead Putin To A Wicked Thought, As Europe Scrambles For A New Source Of Energy?

The attack on the Nord Stream pipelines has plunged Europe into an even more desperate energy situation with winter fast approaching.

Christians, This Is Not A Drill… Examining Our World Through The Lens Of Matthew 24

The signs are all coming together right now. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Take care of your business, but do not let the cares of this world distract you from Him.

How Should Christians Respond When History Is Being Rewritten or Even Deleted?

How do we respond when the cultural ground beneath us is shifting? Our calling and privilege is to represent Christ in this turbulent moment in history.

United States Targets IRGC Facilities In Syria, Says Airstrikes Were Ordered To Protect American Forces From Iran Proxies 

the counterstrikes were “proportionate, deliberate action intended to limit the risk of escalation and minimize the risk of casualties.”

Our Country Is Aflame With Rage Because As A Nation We Have Chosen To Follow The Scornful

We must criticize America, her institutions, and her leaders when they are wrong. We do not have to choose the path of scorn and rage.

China’s Threats Against ‘US-Taiwan Collusion’ Are Not The Reaction Of a Confident Superpower

It was not the reaction of a confident superpower, but of a nervous child trying to hide its impotence behind the bluster of shaking fists and threatening pronouncements.

WARS & RUMORS OF WARS REVIEW w/ Amir Tsarfati: The World Has Become A Tinder Box

So much has flared up, and, when combined with all the conflict already going on, we can see the tinder box that the world has become.

Green Energy Is A lie Which Is Crushing People, Giving Power To Adversaries & Enriching Only The Elites Who Peddle This Fiction

This now threatens even the healthiest economies, with the consequences of these delusions hitting countries around the world, regardless of their economic size.

Russia Claims To Discover Massive Arctic Oil Reserve, Tells Allies To Get On Their ‘Ark’ to Escape Biblical-Style Economic ‘Cataclysm’

“But we have to do it before the Flood," Rosneft's CEO, Igor Sechin stated, adding that Russia "will be happy to see all friends joining us in building of this new Ark of the world economy.”

Lithuania Places Itself In The Crosshairs Of The Kremlin, Cutting Off Rail-Transport To Russian Enclave

In response, Russia called the move "illegal and unprecedented" and warned that it "will have a serious negative impact on the Lithuanian population."

Why Supression Of Dissenting Voices In Russia, And Globally, Is a Harbinger Of Our World’s Future History

The fear of the Russian government is too overwhelming, and "most won't risk it," the diplomat stressed. "In our system, we can't voice our own opinions."

Power Grab Failure: Biden Administration’s Controversial WHO Amendments Tabled

The Biden administration’s attempt to usurp Congress’s public health authority by rewriting international law may have just encountered an untimely grave.

Hal Lindsey

untitled artwork

Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Jack Hibbs Ad