July 25, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024
July 25, 2024

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World news biblically understood


J.B. Hixson is an author, speaker, and radio host, with more than thirty years of ministry experience in the pastoral and academic arenas. Dr. Hixson is also the President of Not By Works Ministries

JB Hixson

Breanna Claussen Founded Harbingers Daily as a Social Media Based Ministry in 2014 and managed the expansion of the newsroom into what we know today as HarbingersDaily.com

She is also an author, Head of Ministry Development, Manager of the Graphic Design Team, and Lead Editor for Harbingers Daily News Media.

Where Did They Go? Why Didn’t I Listen? — Jan Markell & Dr. J.B. Hixson

Jan Markell talks to Dr. J.B. Hixson for the hour. One minute after the rapture of believers, everything will change. People will be filled...

Headlines Prove Increasing Cultural Chaos in US — David Fiorazo & JB Hixson

J.B. Hixson is the Founder and President of Not By Works Ministries. He and David explore key current events happening around the U.S.

Is The Church Fighting An Uphill Battle With No End In Sight?

For those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, it is easy to become discouraged and overwhelmed by how rapidly this world is “slouching towards Gomorrah,” as Robert Bork famously put it. Indeed, it seems like the church is fighting an uphill battle with no end in sight.

Rise Of The Global Technocracy — Tim Moore & JB Hixson

How does the rise of the global technocracy play into the end times? Find out with guest Dr. J.B. Hixson and host Tim Moore...

Faith, Perspective, & Preparing for Major Crises — David Fiorazo & JB Hixson

Dr. J.B. Hixson gives advice and tips on trusting God, being prepared, and surviving major emergencies and crises that will could happen

JB Hixson: Grounded in the Word, Avoiding Bible Interpretation Mistakes

J.B. Hixson of Not By Works talks with David on the literal interpretation of The Bible and reading between the lines of the gospel.

Is Artificial Intelligence the Image of the Beast? — Tom Hughes & JB Hixson

Join pastor Tom Hughes for a special interview with JB Hixson: "Is Artificial Intelligence the Image of the Beast?"

It’s All A Psyop — Tom Hughes & Dr. J.B. Hixson

J. B. Hixson is a nationally known author, speaker, and radio host, with more than thirty years of ministry experience in the pastoral and...

How To Discern Truth From Lies and Fake News — David Fiorazo & JB Hixson

Dr. J.B. Hixson visits Worldview Matters again to discuss how the media has created a false left vs. right with controlled opposition with the...

Why Israel Matters — JB Hixson and Tom Hughes

Pastor Tom was a guest on JB Hixson's podcast, where they spoke about Israel and answered the question "Why Israel Matters."

Analyzing Israel In Prophetic Times — David Fiorazo & JB Hixson

Pastor J.B. Hixson analyzes Israel’s prophetic times, and also discusses the global “technocratic tyranny.”

Build Back Better: Turning Humans Into Gods – Jan Markell & Dr. J.B. Hixson

Jan Markell talks to Dr. J.B. Hixson for the hour. The technology we love has been turned into a weapon in the globalist effort...

Setting The Stage – Mary Danielsen & JB Hixson 

Dr. JB Hixson and Mary Danielsen continue their discussion of the rise of the False Prophet, the right-hand man of the Antichrist. A lot has been written...

JB Hixson: Borders, the Bible, and Believers

Join Dr. Hixson for a message at a regional TPUSA Faith event in Castle Rock, CO.

How The Declining Biblical Worldview Is Impacting America — David Fiorazo & JB Hixson

Dr. JB Hixson and David Fiorazo discuss the importance of having a biblical worldview, what it means, and why it is declining in America.

America’s Rapid Downward Spiral – JB Hixson & David Fiorazo

Dr. Hixson was joined by his friend and colleague David Fiorazo to discuss recent attacks on the biblical worldview and on Christianity in our...

Testing The AI Jesus – Mary Danielsen And JB Hixson

There are volumes of conversations about the Spirit of Antichrist but very little is discussed about the coming Ai sponsored global spirituality and the...

The Scandalon of the Cross — J.B. Hixson and David Fiorazo

Dr. Hixson was joined by his friend and colleague David Fiorazo to discuss recent attacks on Christianity in our culture.

JB Hixson: Question And Answers

Dr. Hixson answers questions from listeners on a variety of topics.

Why A Clear And Urgent Gospel Message Should Be The Centerpiece Of Every Bible Prophecy Sermon

For believers, end times prophecy is an exciting message of hope (1 Thessalonians 4:18; Titus 1:13). But for those who do not know the Lord, it is a somber warning of judgment.

The Battle Behind the Battle: What Are We To Make Of The Intensifying Conflict Within Russia?

The news out of Russia recently has people around the world on the edge of their seats. Tensions are rising, troops are on the move, and tanks are poised to fire.

Advanced Technology Paving The Way: US Airforce AI-Enabled Drone Turns On Its Operator

Any attempt to thwart God’s sovereign control and contravene his plan of the ages is sure to fail. No amount of computing power, semi-sentient artificial intelligence, or array of microchips will change that.

Sleepy Christians and Apostasy in the Last Days – J.B. Hixson & John Loeffler

Dr. Hixson is joined by John Loeffler of Steel on Steel radio to talk about the growing apostasy in the church and the world.

The Countdown Has Begun — Tom Hughes & J.B. Hixson

Join Pastor Tom Hughes and Pastor JB Hixson as the two discuss Bible prophecy and current events.

All That Glitters Is Not Gold: Is The Allure Of High-Tech ‘Progress’ Leading Us Down A Treacherous Path?

Like the miller moths, the collective masses seem to be flying naively toward the light of progress. But at what cost?

Jesus Could Return At Any Moment — Finish Strong!

Make no mistake: the Christian life is a battleground not a playground. Like the Apostle Paul, we must fight the good fight of faith and finish the race of life strong..

JB Hixson: Turbulent Times Require a Steady Faith

These are turbulent times in America and throughout the world. As you read this, events are unfolding that have many people worried about the future.

Why America Needs The Church Now More Than Ever

There is a remedy for our nation’s serious problems, and it does not take much selling to see it. If the church will behave the way the church is supposed to behave, it will make America a much better place as we await the Lord’s return.

Satan’s Encroachment Is Willful And Deliberate

For more than six thousand years, he has meddled in places he does not belong. He is even toying with the creation of life itself, promoting transhumanism and artificial intelligence; but he will never be able to create life...

God Sees Them Too: Are Satan’s Earthly Accomplices Getting Away With Evil Unchecked?

We must boldly stand for truth in the face of growing tyranny and remind Satan’s earthly co-conspirators, “We see you, and we know what you are doing!” More importantly, God sees them too!

Podcast: What Will Be the Outcome of These Events? — David Fiorazo & JB Hixson

We discuss the urgency of the hour and the need for discernment in the church, as well as how prophecy is being fulfilled today...

The Fog Is Lifting: Prophecies That Seemed Far-fetched, Even Impossible, Are Now Easily Understood

As we approach that time, the fog is lifting. Students of Bible prophecy today can look back over history and see the significance of much of what Daniel and other prophets predicted in God’s Word.

Spirit of the Antichrist: Ruling from the Shadows: Jan Markell & JB Hixson

Jan Markell concludes part two of programming with Pastor J.B. Hixson. With 2030 as their goal, the one-worlders are changing life as we know...

JB Hixson: The Approaching Storm

He came once, like a gentle, quiet snow, in the most unexpected and humble way, to save the world from sin. When He comes back, however, it will be in fierce judgment with a sharp sword to judge the nations (Revelation 19:15).

Why God Laughs at the Global Elites (Part 1): Jan Markell & JB Hixson

The Antichrist kingdom won’t come out of thin air. It is being prepared now by global elite and will spring into action when the...

The Rise of Anti-Christian Sentiment, Persecution & Anti-Semitism: David Fiorazo & JB Hixson

Today, we discuss the rapidly increasing discrimination against Christians, attacks against those who adhere to the biblical worldview as well as the increase of persecution....

JB Hixson: A Secret Message For The Church

Are you being a good steward of the secret message God has given the church? Are you proclaiming the soon coming of Christ, who will rescue us from this present evil age (Galatians 1:4)?

Spirit Of The Antichrist: Tim Moore, Nathan Jones, & JB Hixson

How is the spirit of the Antichrist taking over? Find out with guest Dr. J.B. Hixson and hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones ...

JB Hixson: Have You Been A Christian All These Years And Yet You Do Not Know Him?

Similarly, many Christians are fascinated with God, but they know very little about Him. Do you know God? Do you really know Him? You may know many things about God, but knowing God is an entirely different matter.

Spiritual Battle: Even When Our Enemy Is Forgotten, He Is Not Gone

We may forget the enemy, but that does not mean he is gone. Turning a blind eye and deaf ear to Satan and his desire to kill, steal, and destroy our lives does not make him go away.

Deliberate Sin, Globalism, Open Rebellion, and More – in 2023: David Fiorazo & JB Hixson

David Fiorazo and JB Hixson discuss demonic activity and what we might see happening in the short term to set the stage for Christ’s return.

Where Did They Go? Why Didn’t I Listen? — Jan Markell & Dr. J.B. Hixson

Jan Markell talks to Dr. J.B. Hixson for the hour. One minute after the rapture of believers, everything will change. People will be filled...

Headlines Prove Increasing Cultural Chaos in US — David Fiorazo & JB Hixson

J.B. Hixson is the Founder and President of Not By Works Ministries. He and David explore key current events happening around the U.S.

Is The Church Fighting An Uphill Battle With No End In Sight?

For those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, it is easy to become discouraged and overwhelmed by how rapidly this world is “slouching towards Gomorrah,” as Robert Bork famously put it. Indeed, it seems like the church is fighting an uphill battle with no end in sight.

Rise Of The Global Technocracy — Tim Moore & JB Hixson

How does the rise of the global technocracy play into the end times? Find out with guest Dr. J.B. Hixson and host Tim Moore...

Faith, Perspective, & Preparing for Major Crises — David Fiorazo & JB Hixson

Dr. J.B. Hixson gives advice and tips on trusting God, being prepared, and surviving major emergencies and crises that will could happen

JB Hixson: Grounded in the Word, Avoiding Bible Interpretation Mistakes

J.B. Hixson of Not By Works talks with David on the literal interpretation of The Bible and reading between the lines of the gospel.

Is Artificial Intelligence the Image of the Beast? — Tom Hughes & JB Hixson

Join pastor Tom Hughes for a special interview with JB Hixson: "Is Artificial Intelligence the Image of the Beast?"

It’s All A Psyop — Tom Hughes & Dr. J.B. Hixson

J. B. Hixson is a nationally known author, speaker, and radio host, with more than thirty years of ministry experience in the pastoral and...

How To Discern Truth From Lies and Fake News — David Fiorazo & JB Hixson

Dr. J.B. Hixson visits Worldview Matters again to discuss how the media has created a false left vs. right with controlled opposition with the...

Why Israel Matters — JB Hixson and Tom Hughes

Pastor Tom was a guest on JB Hixson's podcast, where they spoke about Israel and answered the question "Why Israel Matters."

Analyzing Israel In Prophetic Times — David Fiorazo & JB Hixson

Pastor J.B. Hixson analyzes Israel’s prophetic times, and also discusses the global “technocratic tyranny.”

Build Back Better: Turning Humans Into Gods – Jan Markell & Dr. J.B. Hixson

Jan Markell talks to Dr. J.B. Hixson for the hour. The technology we love has been turned into a weapon in the globalist effort...

Setting The Stage – Mary Danielsen & JB Hixson 

Dr. JB Hixson and Mary Danielsen continue their discussion of the rise of the False Prophet, the right-hand man of the Antichrist. A lot has been written...

JB Hixson: Borders, the Bible, and Believers

Join Dr. Hixson for a message at a regional TPUSA Faith event in Castle Rock, CO.

How The Declining Biblical Worldview Is Impacting America — David Fiorazo & JB Hixson

Dr. JB Hixson and David Fiorazo discuss the importance of having a biblical worldview, what it means, and why it is declining in America.

America’s Rapid Downward Spiral – JB Hixson & David Fiorazo

Dr. Hixson was joined by his friend and colleague David Fiorazo to discuss recent attacks on the biblical worldview and on Christianity in our...

Testing The AI Jesus – Mary Danielsen And JB Hixson

There are volumes of conversations about the Spirit of Antichrist but very little is discussed about the coming Ai sponsored global spirituality and the...

The Scandalon of the Cross — J.B. Hixson and David Fiorazo

Dr. Hixson was joined by his friend and colleague David Fiorazo to discuss recent attacks on Christianity in our culture.

JB Hixson: Question And Answers

Dr. Hixson answers questions from listeners on a variety of topics.

Why A Clear And Urgent Gospel Message Should Be The Centerpiece Of Every Bible Prophecy Sermon

For believers, end times prophecy is an exciting message of hope (1 Thessalonians 4:18; Titus 1:13). But for those who do not know the Lord, it is a somber warning of judgment.

The Battle Behind the Battle: What Are We To Make Of The Intensifying Conflict Within Russia?

The news out of Russia recently has people around the world on the edge of their seats. Tensions are rising, troops are on the move, and tanks are poised to fire.

Advanced Technology Paving The Way: US Airforce AI-Enabled Drone Turns On Its Operator

Any attempt to thwart God’s sovereign control and contravene his plan of the ages is sure to fail. No amount of computing power, semi-sentient artificial intelligence, or array of microchips will change that.

Sleepy Christians and Apostasy in the Last Days – J.B. Hixson & John Loeffler

Dr. Hixson is joined by John Loeffler of Steel on Steel radio to talk about the growing apostasy in the church and the world.

The Countdown Has Begun — Tom Hughes & J.B. Hixson

Join Pastor Tom Hughes and Pastor JB Hixson as the two discuss Bible prophecy and current events.

All That Glitters Is Not Gold: Is The Allure Of High-Tech ‘Progress’ Leading Us Down A Treacherous Path?

Like the miller moths, the collective masses seem to be flying naively toward the light of progress. But at what cost?

Jesus Could Return At Any Moment — Finish Strong!

Make no mistake: the Christian life is a battleground not a playground. Like the Apostle Paul, we must fight the good fight of faith and finish the race of life strong..

JB Hixson: Turbulent Times Require a Steady Faith

These are turbulent times in America and throughout the world. As you read this, events are unfolding that have many people worried about the future.

Why America Needs The Church Now More Than Ever

There is a remedy for our nation’s serious problems, and it does not take much selling to see it. If the church will behave the way the church is supposed to behave, it will make America a much better place as we await the Lord’s return.

Satan’s Encroachment Is Willful And Deliberate

For more than six thousand years, he has meddled in places he does not belong. He is even toying with the creation of life itself, promoting transhumanism and artificial intelligence; but he will never be able to create life...

God Sees Them Too: Are Satan’s Earthly Accomplices Getting Away With Evil Unchecked?

We must boldly stand for truth in the face of growing tyranny and remind Satan’s earthly co-conspirators, “We see you, and we know what you are doing!” More importantly, God sees them too!

Podcast: What Will Be the Outcome of These Events? — David Fiorazo & JB Hixson

We discuss the urgency of the hour and the need for discernment in the church, as well as how prophecy is being fulfilled today...

The Fog Is Lifting: Prophecies That Seemed Far-fetched, Even Impossible, Are Now Easily Understood

As we approach that time, the fog is lifting. Students of Bible prophecy today can look back over history and see the significance of much of what Daniel and other prophets predicted in God’s Word.

Spirit of the Antichrist: Ruling from the Shadows: Jan Markell & JB Hixson

Jan Markell concludes part two of programming with Pastor J.B. Hixson. With 2030 as their goal, the one-worlders are changing life as we know...

JB Hixson: The Approaching Storm

He came once, like a gentle, quiet snow, in the most unexpected and humble way, to save the world from sin. When He comes back, however, it will be in fierce judgment with a sharp sword to judge the nations (Revelation 19:15).

Why God Laughs at the Global Elites (Part 1): Jan Markell & JB Hixson

The Antichrist kingdom won’t come out of thin air. It is being prepared now by global elite and will spring into action when the...

The Rise of Anti-Christian Sentiment, Persecution & Anti-Semitism: David Fiorazo & JB Hixson

Today, we discuss the rapidly increasing discrimination against Christians, attacks against those who adhere to the biblical worldview as well as the increase of persecution....

JB Hixson: A Secret Message For The Church

Are you being a good steward of the secret message God has given the church? Are you proclaiming the soon coming of Christ, who will rescue us from this present evil age (Galatians 1:4)?

Spirit Of The Antichrist: Tim Moore, Nathan Jones, & JB Hixson

How is the spirit of the Antichrist taking over? Find out with guest Dr. J.B. Hixson and hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones ...

JB Hixson: Have You Been A Christian All These Years And Yet You Do Not Know Him?

Similarly, many Christians are fascinated with God, but they know very little about Him. Do you know God? Do you really know Him? You may know many things about God, but knowing God is an entirely different matter.

Spiritual Battle: Even When Our Enemy Is Forgotten, He Is Not Gone

We may forget the enemy, but that does not mean he is gone. Turning a blind eye and deaf ear to Satan and his desire to kill, steal, and destroy our lives does not make him go away.

Deliberate Sin, Globalism, Open Rebellion, and More – in 2023: David Fiorazo & JB Hixson

David Fiorazo and JB Hixson discuss demonic activity and what we might see happening in the short term to set the stage for Christ’s return.