July 26, 2024

Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

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World news biblically understood


David Closson

David Closson is Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview at Family Research Council.

David Closson

David Closson is Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview at Family Research Council.

MSNBC: Christians Were Pro-Abortion Since ‘The Time Of Jesus’ Until The Right ‘Invented The Issue’ As Religious

"Clearly, there is an effort underway to convince Christians that the Bible is either neutral on abortion or even pro-choice."

A Consequential Year: Nearly Half Of The World’s Population Set To Vote In National Elections In 2024

By the year’s conclusion, nearly half of the world’s population will have seen a national election take place in their country. As hundreds of millions of people participate in these elections, Christians should commit to praying for voters as well as the leaders who will take office.

Abortion-On-Demand: The Byproduct Of A Post-Christian Culture’s Sexual Lawlessness

The explosive growth in the religiously unaffiliated population and loosening sexual mores are not incidental; religious “nones” overwhelmingly accept sexual promiscuity and, in terms of behavior and advocacy, are driving the sexual revolution.

Democrats Blast New House Speaker For Unabashedly Holding To A Biblical Worldview

The fact that articulating this basic conviction triggered ominous warnings of an impending theocracy demonstrates the ever-widening gulf between those with a biblical worldview and those without one.

In Contentious Religious Freedom Debate, Congressman Insists It’s ‘Too Far’ For Christians To Call Jesus ‘The Only Way’

To suggest, as Miller said in his initial response, that sharing core tenets of one’s faith is somehow a step “too far” is evidence of an extremely narrow definition of religious freedom that is out of step with our nation’s history.

One Year After Overturning Of Roe, Many Lawmakers Have Showed Their True Colors

An uncomfortable reality for many pro-life conservatives is that for decades, many state legislators ran on a pro-life platform, knowing they could affect little change in state law so long as Roe was in place. After Dobbs, amid the push to enact pro-life legislation in many red states, many of these lawmakers showed their true colors.

Abortion Champion: The Biden Admin Has Secured Its Place As The Most Forceful Defender Of Murder In The Nation’s History

In short order, the 2024 presidential campaign will be upon us. Although there will undoubtedly be twists and turns over the next 18 months, one thing is sure: Joe Biden is running for president as a champion of abortion.

The Biden Admin Showcases Its Religious-Like Devotion To Advancing LGBT Ideology

In his attempt to marshal theological language in defense of these procedures, the president once again showed us how untethered his worldview is to biblical Christianity.

Democrats Display Just How Far Their Underlying Beliefs Are From Biblical Morality & Basic Decency

At the start of the 118th Congress, the worldview divide between Republicans and Democrats is once again on display

Nearly Fifty Years Of Nationwide Abortion-On-Demand Will Forever Be A Glaring Moral Stain On Our Nation’s History

As Americans consider the legacy of Roe and as states continue to debate their abortion laws, there is no better time for pastors and church leaders to equip their congregations to think faithfully about the sanctity of human life.

Post-Roe US Has Shown It’s Possible To Reverse A Culture Of Death; Now, Countries Like South Korea Must Follow Suit

South Korea has the opportunity to learn from the United States’ mistakes — to once again become a nation that protects the weak and vulnerable.

Called to Account: MacArthur Highlights Newsom’s Unbiblical Worldview

According to MacArthur, one of the governor’s most egregious actions was his financing of pro-abortion billboards in other states that invoked Scripture.

No Respect For Religious Liberty: Senate Majority Leader Seeks To Force A Vote On The Redefinition Of Marriage

As we’ve seen, these protections have been shattered since Obergefell. This bill, which would enshrine the shattering of these liberties into federal law, must not pass.

Christianity Today Article Tells Parents: ‘Don’t Run For The School Board’

David Closson, FRC’s Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview, responds to a recent Christianity Today article titled, “Don’t Run for the School Board.”

Democrats Broadcast Their Worldview—Reminding Voters Just How Central Abortion Is To Their Vision Of A Just Society

While Democrats platforming abortion shouldn’t be surprising, it is still jarring to see how abortion—the intentional killing of an innocent child—animates the base of one of our nation’s major political parties.