July 13, 2024

Saturday, July 13, 2024
July 13, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Nickelodeon Ratings Crash Amid LGBTQ Push

There’s growing evidence that Nickelodeon’s hard push to promote the LGBTQ agenda to children is having a negative impact on the network’s ratings.

In the last two weeks, both Nickelodeon and its preschool-targeted network, Nick Jr., have released videos championing “trans,” “queer,” and “pansexual” inclusion. One video that sparked mass outrage depicted a cartoon version of drag queen Nina West singing about various LGBTQIA groups “[loving] each other so proudly” on “Blues Clues and You,” a show for two- to five-year olds. That same video showed a female-to-male transgender beaver who appeared to have post-operative surgical scars on its chest.

In a separate live action video Nickelodeon posted to YouTube last week, West explains the meanings behind various LGBTQ Pride flags through a song. These latest videos come after the network began overtly celebrating “Pride” month several years ago and implied in 2020 that its most popular character, SpongeBob SquarePants, is gay.

The company also recently announced that its reboot of “Rugrats,” a popular series that originally ran throughout the 1990s to 2004, will feature a single lesbian mom. Natalie Morales, the actress who plays the character, commented, “I think it’s just so great because examples of living your life happily and healthily as an out queer person is just such a beacon for young queer people who may not have examples of that.”

But it appears many parents don’t think it’s so great.

Pirates and Princesses, a popular entertainment site specializing in Disney-related news, reports Nickelodeon YouTube videos were “downvoted to such a degree that they’ve now hidden the ratio.” The site also says the network has seen a major decline in viewers since it began overtly pushing the LGBTQ agenda to its young viewers:

Since July of 2017, Nickelodeon’s viewership has dropped from 1.3 million average viewers per week to a June of 2021 average of only 372,000. In only four years, Nickelodeon has dropped more than two thirds of its audience. That is catastrophically bad for the cable channel, but with cable on the way out, maybe it’s not so bad? The catch here is that it is, in fact, that bad and perhaps worse, simply because Nickelodeon seems to be the primary driving force behind new subscribers to Paramount+.

There are signs that Viacom has not learned any lessons and is retrofitting these old shows with the same principles that have resulted in Nickelodeon’s huge loss in ratings. Even with a show about infants, much of the headlines have been about a retconned, now-lesbian character; whatever your thoughts on that issue, it’s hard to see how a children’s show about infants is best served in advertising when the news is all about sexuality.

This is particularly bad news for parent company ViacomCBS, which has been attempting to bulk up its streaming service, Paramount+, by adding several hundred hours of Nickelodeon programming to the platform’s library.

So far, the negative reaction from consumers doesn’t seem to be deterring the network. In response to West posting a video of the Pride song, Nickelodeon’s official account tweeted, “It gets better every time we watch it,” alongside happy face and heart emojis.

HD Editor’s Note: Why Is This News Biblically Relevant?

Ken Ham, Founder and President of Answers in Genesis, responded to the news that the classic children’s show “Blues Clues” featured a drag queen sing-along about a “pride parade.”

“Seems like so many in the world are jumping on the bandwagon to celebrate sin,” he wrote. “Then again, that’s what one expects from the ‘broad way.’ A reminder to Christians that we live on the ‘narrow way,’ and it requires much diligent work to protect our children from the forces the enemy uses to try to capture them away to the ‘broad way.'”

In a separate post via Facebook, Ham, who offers numerous resources on AiG for kids and families, reiterated that what we are seeing on kids’ channels is “another warning that ‘secular’ is not neutral.”

Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council in his recent article, “Networks Change Their Toon for Pride Month,” explained that networks such as Nickelodeon are waging a “full-blown assault” on morality:

There are lots of parents today who wouldn’t think twice about sitting their kids down in front of the Disney Channel or Cartoon Network. And that, conservatives warn, is exactly the problem. Like so many other moms and dads, they’re expecting the same kind of harmless storylines they watched in the 70s and 80s. What their children are seeing is anything but.

Say goodbye to the regular plot lines of Blue’s Clues and Scooby-Doo — and hello to a 21st century lesson in transgenderism, sex, homosexuality, non-binaries, and drag queens.

This is just the beginning of Nickelodeon’s full-blown assault on mainstream morality.

In today’s day and age, we see a 2 Timothy 3:1-9 humanity doubling down on influencing our next generation. From toddlers to teenagers, children are being targeted on all fronts.

At the expense of our children’s innocence, a godless agenda is being propagated with increasing intensity.

Through school and entertainment, children have been manipulated to believe the LGBT lifestyle is “natural” despite both Biblical and scientific truth. Romans 1 explains this sin comes also packaged with a hatred/opposition to God. This is a strategic and satanic deception causing children to stumble and set them up for a lifetime of gender/sexual confusion, and Biblical opposition.

This preconditioning of children is also something that the Bible does not treat lightly:

Matthew 18:6 KJV – “But whoso shall offend [cause to sin/stumble] one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

2 Timothy 3:3 describes a time where people will also have a “loss of natural affection.” Unfortunately, this trait is prominently on display in our society. 

The Bible instructs parents in Proverbs 22:6 to “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” We should be training up our children with Biblical truth! This verse is all the more relevant in a world where our children’s innocence is continuously in the crosshairs.

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who long for people to hear Biblical Truth.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God's Word.

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Of News Events Around The World.

‘God Spared Donald Trump Today’: Fmr. President Trump Survives Assassination Attempt With Gunshot Wound To The Ear

After shots rang out, the former President grasped his ear and ducked down. The Secret Service rushed to the stage to shield Trump from further fire. Before being escorted away, the President raised his fist to the crowd with the left side of his face dripping in blood.

In-Depth: Darwin, Nazi Germany, And Canada — The Champions Of ‘Sanctioned Homicide’

Secular views affirm euthanasia by depicting people as isolated, self-possessed machines with rights to “turn themselves off” should their inner values so direct. Thus, debates about euthanasia are not just political disagreements but worldview conflicts hinging on questions of humanity’s meaning.

untitled artwork 6391

We May Face Mockery, But Jesus Will Reward Our Watchfulness

Everything will change after the Rapture; the Lord will reward our steadfastness in watching for His appearing. His special recognition of our faithfulness will replace the mocking that now rings in our ears.

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD

There’s growing evidence that Nickelodeon’s hard push to promote the LGBTQ agenda to children is having a negative impact on the network’s ratings.

In the last two weeks, both Nickelodeon and its preschool-targeted network, Nick Jr., have released videos championing “trans,” “queer,” and “pansexual” inclusion. One video that sparked mass outrage depicted a cartoon version of drag queen Nina West singing about various LGBTQIA groups “[loving] each other so proudly” on “Blues Clues and You,” a show for two- to five-year olds. That same video showed a female-to-male transgender beaver who appeared to have post-operative surgical scars on its chest.

In a separate live action video Nickelodeon posted to YouTube last week, West explains the meanings behind various LGBTQ Pride flags through a song. These latest videos come after the network began overtly celebrating “Pride” month several years ago and implied in 2020 that its most popular character, SpongeBob SquarePants, is gay.

The company also recently announced that its reboot of “Rugrats,” a popular series that originally ran throughout the 1990s to 2004, will feature a single lesbian mom. Natalie Morales, the actress who plays the character, commented, “I think it’s just so great because examples of living your life happily and healthily as an out queer person is just such a beacon for young queer people who may not have examples of that.”

But it appears many parents don’t think it’s so great.

Pirates and Princesses, a popular entertainment site specializing in Disney-related news, reports Nickelodeon YouTube videos were “downvoted to such a degree that they’ve now hidden the ratio.” The site also says the network has seen a major decline in viewers since it began overtly pushing the LGBTQ agenda to its young viewers:

Since July of 2017, Nickelodeon’s viewership has dropped from 1.3 million average viewers per week to a June of 2021 average of only 372,000. In only four years, Nickelodeon has dropped more than two thirds of its audience. That is catastrophically bad for the cable channel, but with cable on the way out, maybe it’s not so bad? The catch here is that it is, in fact, that bad and perhaps worse, simply because Nickelodeon seems to be the primary driving force behind new subscribers to Paramount+.

There are signs that Viacom has not learned any lessons and is retrofitting these old shows with the same principles that have resulted in Nickelodeon’s huge loss in ratings. Even with a show about infants, much of the headlines have been about a retconned, now-lesbian character; whatever your thoughts on that issue, it’s hard to see how a children’s show about infants is best served in advertising when the news is all about sexuality.

This is particularly bad news for parent company ViacomCBS, which has been attempting to bulk up its streaming service, Paramount+, by adding several hundred hours of Nickelodeon programming to the platform’s library.

So far, the negative reaction from consumers doesn’t seem to be deterring the network. In response to West posting a video of the Pride song, Nickelodeon’s official account tweeted, “It gets better every time we watch it,” alongside happy face and heart emojis.

HD Editor’s Note: Why Is This News Biblically Relevant?

Ken Ham, Founder and President of Answers in Genesis, responded to the news that the classic children’s show “Blues Clues” featured a drag queen sing-along about a “pride parade.”

“Seems like so many in the world are jumping on the bandwagon to celebrate sin,” he wrote. “Then again, that’s what one expects from the ‘broad way.’ A reminder to Christians that we live on the ‘narrow way,’ and it requires much diligent work to protect our children from the forces the enemy uses to try to capture them away to the ‘broad way.'”

In a separate post via Facebook, Ham, who offers numerous resources on AiG for kids and families, reiterated that what we are seeing on kids’ channels is “another warning that ‘secular’ is not neutral.”

Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council in his recent article, “Networks Change Their Toon for Pride Month,” explained that networks such as Nickelodeon are waging a “full-blown assault” on morality:

There are lots of parents today who wouldn’t think twice about sitting their kids down in front of the Disney Channel or Cartoon Network. And that, conservatives warn, is exactly the problem. Like so many other moms and dads, they’re expecting the same kind of harmless storylines they watched in the 70s and 80s. What their children are seeing is anything but.

Say goodbye to the regular plot lines of Blue’s Clues and Scooby-Doo — and hello to a 21st century lesson in transgenderism, sex, homosexuality, non-binaries, and drag queens.

This is just the beginning of Nickelodeon’s full-blown assault on mainstream morality.

In today’s day and age, we see a 2 Timothy 3:1-9 humanity doubling down on influencing our next generation. From toddlers to teenagers, children are being targeted on all fronts.

At the expense of our children’s innocence, a godless agenda is being propagated with increasing intensity.

Through school and entertainment, children have been manipulated to believe the LGBT lifestyle is “natural” despite both Biblical and scientific truth. Romans 1 explains this sin comes also packaged with a hatred/opposition to God. This is a strategic and satanic deception causing children to stumble and set them up for a lifetime of gender/sexual confusion, and Biblical opposition.

This preconditioning of children is also something that the Bible does not treat lightly:

Matthew 18:6 KJV – “But whoso shall offend [cause to sin/stumble] one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

2 Timothy 3:3 describes a time where people will also have a “loss of natural affection.” Unfortunately, this trait is prominently on display in our society. 

The Bible instructs parents in Proverbs 22:6 to “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” We should be training up our children with Biblical truth! This verse is all the more relevant in a world where our children’s innocence is continuously in the crosshairs.

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who long for people to hear Biblical Truth.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God's Word.

‘God Spared Donald Trump Today’: Fmr. President Trump Survives Assassination Attempt With Gunshot Wound To The Ear

After shots rang out, the former President grasped his ear and ducked down. The Secret Service rushed to the stage to shield Trump from further fire. Before being escorted away, the President raised his fist to the crowd with the left side of his face dripping in blood.

In-Depth: Darwin, Nazi Germany, And Canada — The Champions Of ‘Sanctioned Homicide’

Secular views affirm euthanasia by depicting people as isolated, self-possessed machines with rights to “turn themselves off” should their inner values so direct. Thus, debates about euthanasia are not just political disagreements but worldview conflicts hinging on questions of humanity’s meaning.

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We May Face Mockery, But Jesus Will Reward Our Watchfulness

Everything will change after the Rapture; the Lord will reward our steadfastness in watching for His appearing. His special recognition of our faithfulness will replace the mocking that now rings in our ears.

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD