July 24, 2024

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
July 24, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Australian Officials Start Using ‘New World Order’ as a COVID Talking Point

Two senior medical officers have, shockingly, said out loud what a lot of ordinary people already noticed: Australia is sliding inexorably towards a ‘New World Order.’

New South Wales (NSW) Chief Health Officer Dr. Kerry Chant used the sinister phrase during a Thursday press conference, in response to a question about reopening after the interminable lockdowns imposed by various Australian states.

Chant replied:

“We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order and yes, it will be in pubs and clubs and other things…”

The clip has already had over one million views, causing Twitter to issue a Snopes-style fact-check correction, headlined ‘Unfounded claims about the ‘New World Order’ conspiracy theory are shared after an Australian governmental official used the expression during a press conference on Thursday’.

Twitter goes on to claim that there is nothing remotely dubious about this perfectly innocent phrase.

“Fact-checkers have regularly debunked claims connected to the conspiracy theory. The phrase is commonly used to describe times of change or cultural shift.”

This kind of language has been tamped down after it caused concerns in previous generations. George HW Bush used the phrase in a speech on September 11, 1990. (Facebook now accompanies the clip with a health warning: ‘The New World Order is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government.’)

And in 1992, a Senator named Joseph R Biden Jr wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal headlined ‘How I Learned to Love the New World Order’.

You may have instead recently heard the euphemisms ‘Great Reset’ or ‘Build Back Better’ — that is, until the unwashed peasants started treating them with suspicion, as well.

For whatever reason, the phrase seems to be especially popular in NSW, Australia right now, because it isn’t just the state’s Chief Health Officer who has been using it. So too has NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard.

Australia has some of the most draconian lockdown policies anywhere in the world right now. Indeed, the land they once called ‘the Lucky Country’ is now starting to look like a totalitarian tyranny.

Among the scary features it has introduced in the last 18 months are: Quarantine camps. CCP style surveillance in the form of “Forced” facial recognition & geolocation scanning sent to the government within 15 mins of a text. Passing a law in which the State can now take control of your online accounts. Putting quarantine signs on people’s doors as if they were Medieval plague victims. Denying services to the unvaccinated and treating them like pariahs.

HD Editor’s Note: Why Is This News Biblically Relevant?

The response of Governments to the Chinese Coronavirus has come at great expense to individual liberty.

What was an unprecedented loss of freedom in western society, now has precedent in the future… Many who study Bible Prophecy have urged that this new precedent may very well be exploited by the approaching antichrist system spoken of in the Bible (Revelation 13).

Pastor JD Farag, of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe, stated:

“I am of the belief that we today are witnessing an orchestrated dismantling or if you prefer controlled demolition of the ‘Old World Order‘ to reset for the ‘New World Order,'” the Pastor asserted. “It’s important to understand that this agenda, and that’s what it is an agenda, has been in the works for decades. But now today it is reaching its final stage.”

Chad Thomas, in a Harbingers Daily exclusive article, “Is the Coronavirus Pandemic the Trojan Horse of the New World Order?” wrote:

“What I think we are seeing now with the coronavirus pandemic is a trojan horse for this coming new world order system and the rise of the Antichrist,” Thomas explained. “The stage is being set right now for what comes next… which I believe is the Rapture of the Church. The props are being lined up on that stage, awaiting the Rapture of the Church before they make their move. We know that a new world order, a one-world currency, and a one-world religion will also rise with the Antichrist when he comes onto the world stage.”

“We can see the Tribulation period casting its shadow on the Earth right now,” he added.

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God's Word.

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Of News Events Around The World.

How Would Jesus Vote?… God’s Word Can Provide Us A Definitive Answer

God always governs by what is right and just, and Scripture tells us that Jesus always did the things that pleased His Father (John 8:29). Asking how Jesus would vote is in essence another way of asking, “What is the morally right thing to do in the light of God’s Word?”

Netanyahu Knows Israel Is Marginalized Under Biden, But Has No Choice Other Than To Say ‘Thank You’

"90% of us know that's almost laughable. But remember, America still gives Israel $3 billion dollars," Markell noted. "What are you going to say to the President of the country that gives that little nation $3 billion dollars? You're going to say, 'Thank you.'"

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‘Keeping Watch On The Evil And The Good’: As Questions Swirl, God’s Sovereignty Stills Our Troubled Minds

Regardless of what the future holds for me or my country, I know the Lord will someday return just as He promised. His sovereignty assures us that He will adequately and justly deal with the wickedness of our day. He will establish His righteous rule over all the nations of the earth.

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

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Decision Magazine V AD

Two senior medical officers have, shockingly, said out loud what a lot of ordinary people already noticed: Australia is sliding inexorably towards a ‘New World Order.’

New South Wales (NSW) Chief Health Officer Dr. Kerry Chant used the sinister phrase during a Thursday press conference, in response to a question about reopening after the interminable lockdowns imposed by various Australian states.

Chant replied:

“We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order and yes, it will be in pubs and clubs and other things…”

The clip has already had over one million views, causing Twitter to issue a Snopes-style fact-check correction, headlined ‘Unfounded claims about the ‘New World Order’ conspiracy theory are shared after an Australian governmental official used the expression during a press conference on Thursday’.

Twitter goes on to claim that there is nothing remotely dubious about this perfectly innocent phrase.

“Fact-checkers have regularly debunked claims connected to the conspiracy theory. The phrase is commonly used to describe times of change or cultural shift.”

This kind of language has been tamped down after it caused concerns in previous generations. George HW Bush used the phrase in a speech on September 11, 1990. (Facebook now accompanies the clip with a health warning: ‘The New World Order is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government.’)

And in 1992, a Senator named Joseph R Biden Jr wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal headlined ‘How I Learned to Love the New World Order’.

You may have instead recently heard the euphemisms ‘Great Reset’ or ‘Build Back Better’ — that is, until the unwashed peasants started treating them with suspicion, as well.

For whatever reason, the phrase seems to be especially popular in NSW, Australia right now, because it isn’t just the state’s Chief Health Officer who has been using it. So too has NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard.

Australia has some of the most draconian lockdown policies anywhere in the world right now. Indeed, the land they once called ‘the Lucky Country’ is now starting to look like a totalitarian tyranny.

Among the scary features it has introduced in the last 18 months are: Quarantine camps. CCP style surveillance in the form of “Forced” facial recognition & geolocation scanning sent to the government within 15 mins of a text. Passing a law in which the State can now take control of your online accounts. Putting quarantine signs on people’s doors as if they were Medieval plague victims. Denying services to the unvaccinated and treating them like pariahs.

HD Editor’s Note: Why Is This News Biblically Relevant?

The response of Governments to the Chinese Coronavirus has come at great expense to individual liberty.

What was an unprecedented loss of freedom in western society, now has precedent in the future… Many who study Bible Prophecy have urged that this new precedent may very well be exploited by the approaching antichrist system spoken of in the Bible (Revelation 13).

Pastor JD Farag, of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe, stated:

“I am of the belief that we today are witnessing an orchestrated dismantling or if you prefer controlled demolition of the ‘Old World Order‘ to reset for the ‘New World Order,'” the Pastor asserted. “It’s important to understand that this agenda, and that’s what it is an agenda, has been in the works for decades. But now today it is reaching its final stage.”

Chad Thomas, in a Harbingers Daily exclusive article, “Is the Coronavirus Pandemic the Trojan Horse of the New World Order?” wrote:

“What I think we are seeing now with the coronavirus pandemic is a trojan horse for this coming new world order system and the rise of the Antichrist,” Thomas explained. “The stage is being set right now for what comes next… which I believe is the Rapture of the Church. The props are being lined up on that stage, awaiting the Rapture of the Church before they make their move. We know that a new world order, a one-world currency, and a one-world religion will also rise with the Antichrist when he comes onto the world stage.”

“We can see the Tribulation period casting its shadow on the Earth right now,” he added.

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and equip the church with Biblical truth.

How Would Jesus Vote?… God’s Word Can Provide Us A Definitive Answer

God always governs by what is right and just, and Scripture tells us that Jesus always did the things that pleased His Father (John 8:29). Asking how Jesus would vote is in essence another way of asking, “What is the morally right thing to do in the light of God’s Word?”

Netanyahu Knows Israel Is Marginalized Under Biden, But Has No Choice Other Than To Say ‘Thank You’

"90% of us know that's almost laughable. But remember, America still gives Israel $3 billion dollars," Markell noted. "What are you going to say to the President of the country that gives that little nation $3 billion dollars? You're going to say, 'Thank you.'"

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‘Keeping Watch On The Evil And The Good’: As Questions Swirl, God’s Sovereignty Stills Our Troubled Minds

Regardless of what the future holds for me or my country, I know the Lord will someday return just as He promised. His sovereignty assures us that He will adequately and justly deal with the wickedness of our day. He will establish His righteous rule over all the nations of the earth.

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

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Decision Magazine V AD