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World news biblically understood


Hezbollah And ‘Iranian-Backed Militiamen‘ Move Arms To Evade IDF Strikes In Syria

The Iranian proxy terror group has also reportedly undertaken efforts to re-position infrastructure in Syria.

“This comes as part of ongoing camouflage operations by Hezbollah and Iranian-affiliated militias as their military positions continue to be targeted by Israel” or “aerial bombardments by ‘unidentified aircraft,’” said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

The Lebanon-based terror group has been actively fighting alongside Iran, on behalf of its patron’s close ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, in attempts to regain control of his country since the outbreak of civil war in 2011.

According to SOHR sources, Hezbollah transported weapons and ammunition caches from military positions south of the capital Damascus to “more heavily fortified warehouses” in western locations near the al-Kiswah region.

Militant forces were also redeployed from posts near the Syrian capital and the eastern desert of Homs, specifically the Palmyra area, to other various areas.

“On November 10, SOHR sources reported that the Lebanese Hezbollah camouflaged military positions and posts near the Syrian-Lebanese border in Rif Dimashq,” added the United Kingdom-based agency.

The report cited the stationing of “Iranian-backed militiamen” at three Hezbollah positions and checkpoints just four kilometers away from the border. The fighters “also wore the military uniforms of the regime forces and raise the Syrian flag on their cars, with pictures of Bashar Al-Assad, placed on them, amid great security tightening,” said the report.

In related developments, opposition media in the Arab Republic reported that the IDF airdropped pamphlets – said to bear the insignia of the Northern Command’s Bashan Division – around Quneitra in southern Syria, warning regime forces to end collaborations with Hezbollah. The Arabic-language flyers were said to have appeared within hours of reported missile strikes on Syrian Armed Forces (SAF) radar and anti-aircraft systems near Tel-Kalib in the Al-Suwayda region on Sunday. While there was no official statement of an attack, local residents were said to have heard explosions in the area.

The alleged IDF message read: “To the leaders and soldiers of the Syrian army, time and time again, you are responsible for the damage caused by your ill-guided decisions,” adding “Hezbollah is establishing in the Tel-Kalib area and cooperation with them will not bring you peace. The presence of Hezbollah in the region only brings you harm and humiliation, and you are the ones paying the price.”

The IDF has refused to comment on the allegations, although Western intelligence sources say Israel’s “shadow war” against Iranian-linked targets inside Syria has escalated over the past year. Research centers for weapons development and munitions depots operated by Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) have particularly been in the cross-hairs, as well as weapons convoys from Iran to Syria and military transport of missiles from Syria to Lebanon.

Israel has acknowledged mounting hundreds of attacks on Iranian-linked targets in Syria where the Islamic Republic’s forces and proxy have become entrenched in deployments aimed at attacking Israel over the last decade.

While the Jewish State rarely confirms such missions, the country’s political and defense leaders have repeatedly stated that Iran’s presence just over the northern frontier will not be tolerated.

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HD Editor’s Note: Why Is This News Biblically Relevant?

Israel has carried out numerous strikes in the region of Damascus and elsewhere, working to prevent the transfer of weapons and an Iranian foothold in the Syrian country, which borders the Jewish State to the north.

The urgency to prevent an Iranian presence in the region has only been heightened as the Islamic Republic, which is brazenly vocal in its desire to obliterate Israel, inches closer to obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Although many may simply view Israeli strikes in Syria as a regular occurrence in the region, Christians take particular notice when discussing military actions in the country. That is because the capital, Damascus, which is the longest continually inhabited city in the world, has its future end detailed in Scripture. 

Jack Hibbs, the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, during the last Israel strike near Damascus on May 21st, explained the city’s Biblical significance. 

“For those of us who know our Bibles, it’s always an attention-getter whenever we hear about Damascus being involved in any form of warfare,” Hibbs described. “The book of Isaiah chapter 17 tells us that there will be an utter and total devastation that comes to the city of Damascus.”

Isaiah 17:1 reads, “The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.”

“With all that’s going on in the world right now, keep your eye on the news with your Bible open,” Pastor Hibbs underscored. “It may be that such an event will trigger either a regional or world war…”

According to Hibbs and many other Bible Prophecy students, Damascus’s future destruction may also be the catalyst for “the Ezekiel 38 battle” in-which Russia, Iran, Turkey, and others come together from the north, with weaponry supplied by Russia, to attack the Jewish State.

Today's News Needs A Biblical Analysis.

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The Iranian proxy terror group has also reportedly undertaken efforts to re-position infrastructure in Syria.

“This comes as part of ongoing camouflage operations by Hezbollah and Iranian-affiliated militias as their military positions continue to be targeted by Israel” or “aerial bombardments by ‘unidentified aircraft,’” said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

The Lebanon-based terror group has been actively fighting alongside Iran, on behalf of its patron’s close ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, in attempts to regain control of his country since the outbreak of civil war in 2011.

According to SOHR sources, Hezbollah transported weapons and ammunition caches from military positions south of the capital Damascus to “more heavily fortified warehouses” in western locations near the al-Kiswah region.

Militant forces were also redeployed from posts near the Syrian capital and the eastern desert of Homs, specifically the Palmyra area, to other various areas.

“On November 10, SOHR sources reported that the Lebanese Hezbollah camouflaged military positions and posts near the Syrian-Lebanese border in Rif Dimashq,” added the United Kingdom-based agency.

The report cited the stationing of “Iranian-backed militiamen” at three Hezbollah positions and checkpoints just four kilometers away from the border. The fighters “also wore the military uniforms of the regime forces and raise the Syrian flag on their cars, with pictures of Bashar Al-Assad, placed on them, amid great security tightening,” said the report.

In related developments, opposition media in the Arab Republic reported that the IDF airdropped pamphlets – said to bear the insignia of the Northern Command’s Bashan Division – around Quneitra in southern Syria, warning regime forces to end collaborations with Hezbollah. The Arabic-language flyers were said to have appeared within hours of reported missile strikes on Syrian Armed Forces (SAF) radar and anti-aircraft systems near Tel-Kalib in the Al-Suwayda region on Sunday. While there was no official statement of an attack, local residents were said to have heard explosions in the area.

The alleged IDF message read: “To the leaders and soldiers of the Syrian army, time and time again, you are responsible for the damage caused by your ill-guided decisions,” adding “Hezbollah is establishing in the Tel-Kalib area and cooperation with them will not bring you peace. The presence of Hezbollah in the region only brings you harm and humiliation, and you are the ones paying the price.”

The IDF has refused to comment on the allegations, although Western intelligence sources say Israel’s “shadow war” against Iranian-linked targets inside Syria has escalated over the past year. Research centers for weapons development and munitions depots operated by Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) have particularly been in the cross-hairs, as well as weapons convoys from Iran to Syria and military transport of missiles from Syria to Lebanon.

Israel has acknowledged mounting hundreds of attacks on Iranian-linked targets in Syria where the Islamic Republic’s forces and proxy have become entrenched in deployments aimed at attacking Israel over the last decade.

While the Jewish State rarely confirms such missions, the country’s political and defense leaders have repeatedly stated that Iran’s presence just over the northern frontier will not be tolerated.

TV7 Israel News - logo

HD Editor’s Note: Why Is This News Biblically Relevant?

Israel has carried out numerous strikes in the region of Damascus and elsewhere, working to prevent the transfer of weapons and an Iranian foothold in the Syrian country, which borders the Jewish State to the north.

The urgency to prevent an Iranian presence in the region has only been heightened as the Islamic Republic, which is brazenly vocal in its desire to obliterate Israel, inches closer to obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Although many may simply view Israeli strikes in Syria as a regular occurrence in the region, Christians take particular notice when discussing military actions in the country. That is because the capital, Damascus, which is the longest continually inhabited city in the world, has its future end detailed in Scripture. 

Jack Hibbs, the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, during the last Israel strike near Damascus on May 21st, explained the city’s Biblical significance. 

“For those of us who know our Bibles, it’s always an attention-getter whenever we hear about Damascus being involved in any form of warfare,” Hibbs described. “The book of Isaiah chapter 17 tells us that there will be an utter and total devastation that comes to the city of Damascus.”

Isaiah 17:1 reads, “The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.”

“With all that’s going on in the world right now, keep your eye on the news with your Bible open,” Pastor Hibbs underscored. “It may be that such an event will trigger either a regional or world war…”

According to Hibbs and many other Bible Prophecy students, Damascus’s future destruction may also be the catalyst for “the Ezekiel 38 battle” in-which Russia, Iran, Turkey, and others come together from the north, with weaponry supplied by Russia, to attack the Jewish State.

Today's News Needs A Biblical Analysis.

Your Gift Today Helps Harbinger's Daily Reach More People With The Truth of God's Word.

Holocaust Remembrance Day —  Don’t Just Remember, Pay Attention!

I have increasingly felt pressure from people of all ages and walks of life, regularly reminding me that I talk too much about the Holocaust and that I dwell too much on an event of the past that needs to be left alone because it cannot be explained. I have often been accused of overreaction...Then, October 7, 2023, happened!

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As a pastor who believes in a pre-Tribulation rapture, let me say this: I am not preparing the bride for wrath; I am preparing the bride for a wedding.  I am not preparing the bride to have her garments stained by the wickedness of the world, I am preparing the bride to hold onto the purity and hope of Christ.

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Has The Bride Of Christ Made Herself Ready For His Return?

In the Scriptures, we know that the church is the bride of Christ.  But during this time when we are awaiting the upward call of our Bridegroom, how are we living? 

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