May 1, 2024

Wednesday, May 1, 2024
May 1, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Canadian Pro-Life Politician Runs Pro-Child Ad; Liberal Abortion Activists Meltdown

In the curious world that progressives inhabit, there are many unwanted children, but no unwanted abortions. Abortions, in their view, are an unmitigated good that must be celebrated by all. This is especially true of Canada’s Liberals, who constantly bring up abortion while refusing to condemn feticide even when it is being utilized to eliminate little girls. During the last election, Justin Trudeau even attempted to force abortion into the news cycle by announcing that while he’d previously been personally opposed to abortion but politically supportive, he was not both personally and politically supportive. Regardless of his level of support, as it turns out, aborted babies stay dead.

We were recently treated to another example of the Liberals’ abortion enthusiasm. An organization called “One Child One Planet” launched an advertising campaign in Vancouver, featuring a billboard with a photograph of a black child and the slogan, “The most loving gift you can give your first child is to not have another.” Member of Parliament Garnett Genuis fired back in an op-ed in The Post Millennial, calling the ad racist. He then launched an ad campaign of his on Vancouver transit. The ads feature a photograph of three smiling children and a quote: “How can there be too many children? That is like saying there are too many flowers.”

This, apparently, was like a red flag to a bull for the Liberals, and Vancouver Centre’s MP Hedy Fry charged. Clearly fresh off a binge-watch of The Handmaid’s Tale and feeling a little stir-crazy, Fry claimed that the ad was “extremely insensitive” and counter to the Supreme Court’s decision giving women control of their own bodies, promoting a narrative that women are supposed to be “fruitful.” She then said the ads were “anti-choice,” called on Conservative leader Erin O’Toole to do something about them. She even brought her outrage to the House of Commons: “Women’s history month ended on Saturday and it is disheartening to see the official opposition actively attempt to limit the reproductive rights of Canadian women.”

Genuis’s response to this was succinct and appropriately dismissive: “These ads are a response to the ‘One Child One Planet’ ads. They have nothing to do with abortion. MP Fry is spreading conspiracy theories again.”

As it turns out, the idea that children might be beautiful like flowers was wildly offensive to many Liberals, who gave the game away by immediately assuming that a pro-child ad was obviously anti-abortion. Katie Telford, Justin Trudeau’s chief of staff, tweeted out a story about Hedy Fry’s rambling with the caption “Conservative MP’s ‘anti-choice’ Vancouver ads need to be removed.” Leslyn Lewis posted a photo of Telford’s tweet with a perfect encapsulation of the fictitious controversy: “If you are offended by an ad simply promoting the value of every child, you have revealed that you are not only anti-free speech, you are anti-choice. In your world view there is only one acceptable choice when faced with a child.”

The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada joined in on Facebook: “The Sherwood Park – Ft Saskatchewan riding Association is buying anti-abortion ads in Vancouver. Remember it only takes *one* complaint to Ad Standards to start an investigation.” The first step of this investigation would presumably be to establish the link between pro-child sentiments and anti-abortion ones, and, conversely, anti-child sentiments with pro-abortion ones. After that, Genuis’s ad will surely be pulled. In Canada, only fervent support for abortion is permitted in public.

I wonder how far Trudeau and his crew will take this. If one admires someone’s large family, or even small family, and makes a comment like “children are wonderful,” is this an anti-abortion sentiment that needs to be condemned? How about noting that having children is fulfilling? Is this an attack on someone like, say, Joyce Arthur? It would appear that they think so, anyhow. Saying that there cannot be too many children is apparently as horrible as saying there are too many abortions. (Surely there is some connection there.)

So according to the Liberals, we are no longer allowed to say that we love babies. The “good news”, however, is that they will defend your right to a dead baby no matter what the cost.

HD Editors Note: Why is this News Biblically Relevant?

Canadian “conservative” party members, unlike Republicans in the United States, have refused to take stances on important moral issues such as abortion, homosexuality, and religious freedom. In most instances, the party has supported many of these globalist liberal agendas, leaving true conservative in the crosshairs. With virtually no current opposition to these godless leaders, Canada continues to fall farther into totalitarianism, silencing Christians’ voices and Biblical morality.

Canada needs more voices unapologetically defending the lives of the unborn and religious liberty, which are both dangerously in jeopardy.

The apostle Paul, explained in 1st Timothy the reason why it is vital for Christians to be praying for their governments and rulers:

1 Timothy 2:1-2 KJV – “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”

We would like to encourage Christians everywhere to continue praying for their leaders and their nation’s religious freedom.

Today's News Needs A Biblical Analysis.

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Of News Events Around The World.

Are The Jewish People Being Set Up For The Ultimate Betrayal?

This is the classic set-up right now! A charismatic man is waiting in the wings. He will seduce the “left behind” world, but he will mesmerize many Jews because they are being primed to be told that a benevolent dictator is their best friend and will never betray them--ever.

As A Pastor, I Will Not Stand By Idly As The Horror Of Antisemitism Unfolds Before Our Eyes

As Bible-believing Christians we should understand that the Jews have always been and always will be God’s chosen people. Antisemitism is evil, and as leaders and followers of Jesus we must speak out against it loudly and constantly.

untitled artwork 6391

Has The Bride Of Christ Made Herself Ready For His Return?

In the Scriptures, we know that the church is the bride of Christ.  But during this time when we are awaiting the upward call of our Bridegroom, how are we living? 

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD

In the curious world that progressives inhabit, there are many unwanted children, but no unwanted abortions. Abortions, in their view, are an unmitigated good that must be celebrated by all. This is especially true of Canada’s Liberals, who constantly bring up abortion while refusing to condemn feticide even when it is being utilized to eliminate little girls. During the last election, Justin Trudeau even attempted to force abortion into the news cycle by announcing that while he’d previously been personally opposed to abortion but politically supportive, he was not both personally and politically supportive. Regardless of his level of support, as it turns out, aborted babies stay dead.

We were recently treated to another example of the Liberals’ abortion enthusiasm. An organization called “One Child One Planet” launched an advertising campaign in Vancouver, featuring a billboard with a photograph of a black child and the slogan, “The most loving gift you can give your first child is to not have another.” Member of Parliament Garnett Genuis fired back in an op-ed in The Post Millennial, calling the ad racist. He then launched an ad campaign of his on Vancouver transit. The ads feature a photograph of three smiling children and a quote: “How can there be too many children? That is like saying there are too many flowers.”

This, apparently, was like a red flag to a bull for the Liberals, and Vancouver Centre’s MP Hedy Fry charged. Clearly fresh off a binge-watch of The Handmaid’s Tale and feeling a little stir-crazy, Fry claimed that the ad was “extremely insensitive” and counter to the Supreme Court’s decision giving women control of their own bodies, promoting a narrative that women are supposed to be “fruitful.” She then said the ads were “anti-choice,” called on Conservative leader Erin O’Toole to do something about them. She even brought her outrage to the House of Commons: “Women’s history month ended on Saturday and it is disheartening to see the official opposition actively attempt to limit the reproductive rights of Canadian women.”

Genuis’s response to this was succinct and appropriately dismissive: “These ads are a response to the ‘One Child One Planet’ ads. They have nothing to do with abortion. MP Fry is spreading conspiracy theories again.”

As it turns out, the idea that children might be beautiful like flowers was wildly offensive to many Liberals, who gave the game away by immediately assuming that a pro-child ad was obviously anti-abortion. Katie Telford, Justin Trudeau’s chief of staff, tweeted out a story about Hedy Fry’s rambling with the caption “Conservative MP’s ‘anti-choice’ Vancouver ads need to be removed.” Leslyn Lewis posted a photo of Telford’s tweet with a perfect encapsulation of the fictitious controversy: “If you are offended by an ad simply promoting the value of every child, you have revealed that you are not only anti-free speech, you are anti-choice. In your world view there is only one acceptable choice when faced with a child.”

The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada joined in on Facebook: “The Sherwood Park – Ft Saskatchewan riding Association is buying anti-abortion ads in Vancouver. Remember it only takes *one* complaint to Ad Standards to start an investigation.” The first step of this investigation would presumably be to establish the link between pro-child sentiments and anti-abortion ones, and, conversely, anti-child sentiments with pro-abortion ones. After that, Genuis’s ad will surely be pulled. In Canada, only fervent support for abortion is permitted in public.

I wonder how far Trudeau and his crew will take this. If one admires someone’s large family, or even small family, and makes a comment like “children are wonderful,” is this an anti-abortion sentiment that needs to be condemned? How about noting that having children is fulfilling? Is this an attack on someone like, say, Joyce Arthur? It would appear that they think so, anyhow. Saying that there cannot be too many children is apparently as horrible as saying there are too many abortions. (Surely there is some connection there.)

So according to the Liberals, we are no longer allowed to say that we love babies. The “good news”, however, is that they will defend your right to a dead baby no matter what the cost.

HD Editors Note: Why is this News Biblically Relevant?

Canadian “conservative” party members, unlike Republicans in the United States, have refused to take stances on important moral issues such as abortion, homosexuality, and religious freedom. In most instances, the party has supported many of these globalist liberal agendas, leaving true conservative in the crosshairs. With virtually no current opposition to these godless leaders, Canada continues to fall farther into totalitarianism, silencing Christians’ voices and Biblical morality.

Canada needs more voices unapologetically defending the lives of the unborn and religious liberty, which are both dangerously in jeopardy.

The apostle Paul, explained in 1st Timothy the reason why it is vital for Christians to be praying for their governments and rulers:

1 Timothy 2:1-2 KJV – “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”

We would like to encourage Christians everywhere to continue praying for their leaders and their nation’s religious freedom.

Today's News Needs A Biblical Analysis.

Your Gift Today Helps Harbinger's Daily Reach More People With The Truth of God's Word.

Are The Jewish People Being Set Up For The Ultimate Betrayal?

This is the classic set-up right now! A charismatic man is waiting in the wings. He will seduce the “left behind” world, but he will mesmerize many Jews because they are being primed to be told that a benevolent dictator is their best friend and will never betray them--ever.

As A Pastor, I Will Not Stand By Idly As The Horror Of Antisemitism Unfolds Before Our Eyes

As Bible-believing Christians we should understand that the Jews have always been and always will be God’s chosen people. Antisemitism is evil, and as leaders and followers of Jesus we must speak out against it loudly and constantly.

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Has The Bride Of Christ Made Herself Ready For His Return?

In the Scriptures, we know that the church is the bride of Christ.  But during this time when we are awaiting the upward call of our Bridegroom, how are we living? 

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD