June 24, 2024

Monday, June 24, 2024
June 24, 2024

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World news biblically understood


At Least 80 Christians Killed In Targeted ISIS Massacre In The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Terrorists tied to the Islamic State (ISIS) are suspected of murdering at least 80 Christians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in attacks between June 4 and June 8. Authorities believe the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), a group with ties to ISIS, are responsible. ISIS took responsibility on Friday for another attack that killed at least 42 people on June 12.

June 7 was the deadliest day for the attacks, during which suspected ADF militants attacked several villages in the Beni territory of the North Kivu province, which is mostly Christian.

Wednesday’s attack occurred in the village of Mayikengo in Lubero territory in the same province as the other attacks. The attackers allegedly asked residents to gather in a market for a meeting, then attacked with firearms and machetes, according to a local official.

ADF is ISIS’s regional affiliate in the DRC, also known as ISIS-DRC. The group operated in the eastern DRC for years before pledging allegiance to ISIS in 2017, according to the U.S. State Department. The U.S. designated ISIS-DRC as a foreign terrorist threat in 2021.

According to Christian persecution watchdog Open Doors, the attacks continue despite an operation underway known as “Cheng Gong,” led by United Nations peacekeeping forces and a coalition of the Uganda Peoples’ Defense Forces and the DRC Armed Forces.

“We have understood that the objective of the ADF is to convert everyone into a Muslim and this is a persecution of a great level,” local Pastor Kambale Aristote said. “We ask all Christians to continue to intercede for us.”

An Open Doors spokesperson in sub-Saharan Africa noted, “The rate at which the ADF continue to attack Christian communities in eastern DRC is horrifying. … Christians are forced to flee and some churches in the affected villages have closed because of the latest attacks.

“These unabated attacks come at a time when Christian farmers were preparing for harvest. The impact is that many families are without means to feed their families, and the unprepared displacement has put pressure on the livelihood of Christian families now on the move to unknown destinations.

“We call on the international community to do everything in its power to ensure the government of DRC faithfully and transparently protects all affected communities and that the displaced receive the support they need in these circumstances.”

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who long for people to hear Biblical Truth.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God's Word.

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Of News Events Around The World.

Franklin Graham Establishes ‘Billy Graham Defense Fund’ To Protect Gospel Outreach In The UK

"We’re going to use these funds that came from this battle against cancel culture to help other Christians who may be threatened into silence," he announced. "This is a victory, not just for us, but for all Christians and churches across the UK."

Hamas Led The Charge On October 7th, But Islam Motivated Hamas

The Hamas attack does not reflect the actions of most Muslims, but it does reflect the Quran. All ideas are not equal. Adolf Hitler’s ideas were not as noble as those of Florence Nightingale. And Islam is not just another version of Christianity. They are as different as black and white, good and evil.

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The Church Age Is Winding Down—And The World Is Running Out Of Time

I have been watching the so-called signs of the times for a few decades. Nothing compares to the last five to ten years. Events have been stunning and game-changing.

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

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Decision Magazine V AD

Terrorists tied to the Islamic State (ISIS) are suspected of murdering at least 80 Christians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in attacks between June 4 and June 8. Authorities believe the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), a group with ties to ISIS, are responsible. ISIS took responsibility on Friday for another attack that killed at least 42 people on June 12.

June 7 was the deadliest day for the attacks, during which suspected ADF militants attacked several villages in the Beni territory of the North Kivu province, which is mostly Christian.

Wednesday’s attack occurred in the village of Mayikengo in Lubero territory in the same province as the other attacks. The attackers allegedly asked residents to gather in a market for a meeting, then attacked with firearms and machetes, according to a local official.

ADF is ISIS’s regional affiliate in the DRC, also known as ISIS-DRC. The group operated in the eastern DRC for years before pledging allegiance to ISIS in 2017, according to the U.S. State Department. The U.S. designated ISIS-DRC as a foreign terrorist threat in 2021.

According to Christian persecution watchdog Open Doors, the attacks continue despite an operation underway known as “Cheng Gong,” led by United Nations peacekeeping forces and a coalition of the Uganda Peoples’ Defense Forces and the DRC Armed Forces.

“We have understood that the objective of the ADF is to convert everyone into a Muslim and this is a persecution of a great level,” local Pastor Kambale Aristote said. “We ask all Christians to continue to intercede for us.”

An Open Doors spokesperson in sub-Saharan Africa noted, “The rate at which the ADF continue to attack Christian communities in eastern DRC is horrifying. … Christians are forced to flee and some churches in the affected villages have closed because of the latest attacks.

“These unabated attacks come at a time when Christian farmers were preparing for harvest. The impact is that many families are without means to feed their families, and the unprepared displacement has put pressure on the livelihood of Christian families now on the move to unknown destinations.

“We call on the international community to do everything in its power to ensure the government of DRC faithfully and transparently protects all affected communities and that the displaced receive the support they need in these circumstances.”

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who long for people to hear Biblical Truth.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God's Word.

Franklin Graham Establishes ‘Billy Graham Defense Fund’ To Protect Gospel Outreach In The UK

"We’re going to use these funds that came from this battle against cancel culture to help other Christians who may be threatened into silence," he announced. "This is a victory, not just for us, but for all Christians and churches across the UK."

Hamas Led The Charge On October 7th, But Islam Motivated Hamas

The Hamas attack does not reflect the actions of most Muslims, but it does reflect the Quran. All ideas are not equal. Adolf Hitler’s ideas were not as noble as those of Florence Nightingale. And Islam is not just another version of Christianity. They are as different as black and white, good and evil.

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The Church Age Is Winding Down—And The World Is Running Out Of Time

I have been watching the so-called signs of the times for a few decades. Nothing compares to the last five to ten years. Events have been stunning and game-changing.

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD