July 25, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024
July 25, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Amir Tsarfati: Hamas Is No Longer Protected Behind Its ‘Humanitarian’ Façade

Just because the talk on the international stage is about Rafah, that does not mean that the work is done in Gaza. It will still be several years until the tunnel structure that stretches through the entirety of the Gaza Strip is completely destroyed.

That being said, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has done a tremendous job neutralizing most of the threat in the north of the Gaza Strip. They accomplished this by going to where Hamas was hiding out and destroying them there. These necessary actions were taken despite those locations typically being protected behind humanitarian façades. Schools, mosques, and hospitals all served as human shields, and most, if not all, contained access to the underground terror tunnels. For a while, this humanitarian lie swayed public opinion against Israel. But most finally realized what was taking place. Even the worthless New York Times had to admit Monday that the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City was used by Hamas for cover, weapons storage, and as an access point for the tunnels.

One of the worst offenders for antisemitic propaganda has been Al Jazeera. Their rhetoric has been over the top and completely one-sided. Now we have a clue as to why. Mohamed Washah, a Palestinian correspondent for the news site, has been discovered to also be a “prominent commander” in a Hamas anti-tank unit. He has also been involved in air unit research and development for the terror organization. Sadly, that is exactly the type of “unbiased” reporter that you’d expect to find working for Al Jazeera. 

Khan Yunis

Just because the talk on the international stage is about Rafah, that does not mean that the work is done in Gaza. It will still be several years until the tunnel structure that stretches through the entirety of the Gaza Strip is completely destroyed.

That being said, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has done a tremendous job neutralizing most of the threat in the north of the Gaza Strip. They accomplished this by going to where Hamas was hiding out and destroying them there. These necessary actions were taken despite those locations typically being protected behind humanitarian façades. Schools, mosques, and hospitals all served as human shields, and most, if not all, contained access to the underground terror tunnels. For a while, this humanitarian lie swayed public opinion against Israel. But most finally realized what was taking place. Even the worthless New York Times had to admit Monday that the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City was used by Hamas for cover, weapons storage, and as an access point for the tunnels.

One of the worst offenders for antisemitic propaganda has been Al Jazeera. Their rhetoric has been over the top and completely one-sided. Now we have a clue as to why. Mohamed Washah, a Palestinian correspondent for the news site, has been discovered to also be a “prominent commander” in a Hamas anti-tank unit. He has also been involved in air unit research and development for the terror organization. Sadly, that is exactly the type of “unbiased” reporter that you’d expect to find working for Al Jazeera. 

Khan Yunis

As in northern Gaza, the IDF’s work in Khan Yunis has been exceptional. The force shown was both overwhelming and humanitarian. I can think of no other war where one combatant has gone through so much trouble to protect the other combatant’s civilians. Phone blasts, leaflet drops – every practical method has been used to warn people ahead of time that the IDF is coming in. It has obviously worked because tens of thousands of people fled further south prior to the operation.

What is left to do in Khan Yunis? Of course, there are the tunnels. But as saw earlier, completing that work will be a long-term project. For now, the primary work remaining is under the hospitals. Just like in Gaza, the IDF has left these medical centers for the end. This allows them to be used as long as possible and gives time for the maximum number of civilians to leave the area. Currently, the IDF is focusing on Nasser Medical Complex. The fact that the international media is going crazy over video of people being forced to leave the hospital shows just how short their memories are. In a move that so clearly shows the New York Times for what it is, on each of the two days following the paper’s admission that there were tunnels under Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, as mentioned above, they published articles by their journalist, Raja Abdulrahim, excoriating Israel and the IDF for ordering the evacuation based on claims of Hamas’ activity that “could not be independently verified.” 


Just as the IDF was focused on Gaza City then Khan Yunis, it is now setting its sights on Rafah. If you want a detailed explanation of why this is so, I encourage you to watch my Breaking News update from Monday. It is in Rafah that Israeli forces must go to destroy Hamas’s final four remaining battalions of the original 24. As always, the IDF has warned the citizenry, and thousands are fleeing north. Why are they going back the way they originally came? To the east is Israel, to the west is the Mediterranean, and to the south is Egypt. Why not just cross the border to their fellow Muslim country? Because Egypt has made it very clear that they don’t want any Palestinians coming in.

There is a strong international push against Israel moving into Rafah. Many nations are against the offensive simply because they don’t want to see Hamas finished off. They see them either as heroes, as victims, or as a necessary foil against Israel. Egypt, in particular, is warning against the offensive, but for a different reason. There are a tremendous number of tunnels between Egypt and Rafah, some of them large enough to drive a truck through. Weapons, ammunition, supplies, and, even, commodities have been smuggled through these tunnels for years. If Israel succeeds in Rafah as they have in northern Gaza and Khan Yunis, the Egyptian corruption that has allowed this smuggling will be exposed and the government will be severely embarrassed on the world stage. 

An amazing event took place in Rafah early Monday morning in the Shaburah refugee camp. A special hostage rescue team of the Israeli police snuck into the camp, used ladders to climb to the second floor of a building, blew the door off, killed three terrorists, and liberated two October 7 hostages. The entire nation wept with joy as 70-year-old Luis Har and 61-year-old Fernando Simon Marman were brought home and soon reunited with their families. This proved the other reason that the IDF is moving into Rafah. There are still 131 hostages remaining, and many of them are in that part of Gaza. The stories we are hearing from hostages who have come home include the daily raping of both women and men, severe beatings, deprivation, and other brutality. We will bring them all home, and we will make their captors pay most dearly for what they have done.


The greater war in the north has yet to begin. Hezbollah knows this, and they are scared. Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary-general of the terrorist organization, said on Tuesday, “A strong Israel is a danger to the region, and a weak, deterred, and fearful Israel constitutes a less harmful and catastrophic situation for the countries and peoples of the region. In Lebanon, a strong Israel is a danger to Lebanon, and a deterred Israel is the one whose danger to Lebanon can be reduced.” In other words, “We must win, because we have no other choice.”

But Nasrallah’s statement is not completely accurate. If you take his second sentence and change “Lebanon” to “Hezbollah”, that would be closer to the truth. Palestinians and Lebanese are not the same kind of people. Palestinians hate the Jews more than they love their lives. The Lebanese love their lives more than they hate the Jews. A war with Israel will mean many people losing their homes and all they have. Many would see Hezbollah out of their country before they allowed that to happen. The question is whether they are strong enough to accomplish that. I believe they likely have until the middle of May to make it happen.


On Wednesday, Iran’s main north-south gas pipeline was cut by two massive explosions. Tehran claims that the incidents were acts of sabotage. Really? I can’t imagine who would ever do such a thing. Totally random thought, this may be a great time to remind everyone of my Nir Tavor Mossad Thriller series. Sorry, can’t imagine what made me think of that just then.

If this is an update on Israel’s wars, then why have I included Iran? Because they are the head of the snake. They have done a masterful job keeping their hands clean, while their proxies in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen have done all the dirty work. Israel is too busy at home to do anything about Iran. It would take the full power of the United States to bring justice to the radical Islamist regime. But we all know that’s not going to happen any time soon, and possibly never depending on how November’s elections go. So, for now, Israel will have to content itself with the occasional elimination of an Iranian general and an act of sabotage here and there – allegedly. 

As in northern Gaza, the IDF’s work in Khan Yunis has been exceptional. The force shown was both overwhelming and humanitarian. I can think of no other war where one combatant has gone through so much trouble to protect the other combatant’s civilians. Phone blasts, leaflet drops – every practical method has been used to warn people ahead of time that the IDF is coming in. It has obviously worked because tens of thousands of people fled further south prior to the operation.

What is left to do in Khan Yunis? Of course, there are the tunnels. But as saw earlier, completing that work will be a long-term project. For now, the primary work remaining is under the hospitals. Just like in Gaza, the IDF has left these medical centers for the end. This allows them to be used as long as possible and gives time for the maximum number of civilians to leave the area. Currently, the IDF is focusing on Nasser Medical Complex. The fact that the international media is going crazy over video of people being forced to leave the hospital shows just how short their memories are. In a move that so clearly shows the New York Times for what it is, on each of the two days following the paper’s admission that there were tunnels under Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, as mentioned above, they published articles by their journalist, Raja Abdulrahim, excoriating Israel and the IDF for ordering the evacuation based on claims of Hamas’ activity that “could not be independently verified.” 


Just as the IDF was focused on Gaza City then Khan Yunis, it is now setting its sights on Rafah. If you want a detailed explanation of why this is so, I encourage you to watch my Breaking News update from Monday. It is in Rafah that Israeli forces must go to destroy Hamas’s final four remaining battalions of the original 24. As always, the IDF has warned the citizenry, and thousands are fleeing north. Why are they going back the way they originally came? To the east is Israel, to the west is the Mediterranean, and to the south is Egypt. Why not just cross the border to their fellow Muslim country? Because Egypt has made it very clear that they don’t want any Palestinians coming in.

There is a strong international push against Israel moving into Rafah. Many nations are against the offensive simply because they don’t want to see Hamas finished off. They see them either as heroes, as victims, or as a necessary foil against Israel. Egypt, in particular, is warning against the offensive, but for a different reason. There are a tremendous number of tunnels between Egypt and Rafah, some of them large enough to drive a truck through. Weapons, ammunition, supplies, and, even, commodities have been smuggled through these tunnels for years. If Israel succeeds in Rafah as they have in northern Gaza and Khan Yunis, the Egyptian corruption that has allowed this smuggling will be exposed and the government will be severely embarrassed on the world stage. 

An amazing event took place in Rafah early Monday morning in the Shaburah refugee camp. A special hostage rescue team of the Israeli police snuck into the camp, used ladders to climb to the second floor of a building, blew the door off, killed three terrorists, and liberated two October 7 hostages. The entire nation wept with joy as 70-year-old Luis Har and 61-year-old Fernando Simon Marman were brought home and soon reunited with their families. This proved the other reason that the IDF is moving into Rafah. There are still 131 hostages remaining, and many of them are in that part of Gaza. The stories we are hearing from hostages who have come home include the daily raping of both women and men, severe beatings, deprivation, and other brutality. We will bring them all home, and we will make their captors pay most dearly for what they have done.


The greater war in the north has yet to begin. Hezbollah knows this, and they are scared. Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary-general of the terrorist organization, said on Tuesday, “A strong Israel is a danger to the region, and a weak, deterred, and fearful Israel constitutes a less harmful and catastrophic situation for the countries and peoples of the region. In Lebanon, a strong Israel is a danger to Lebanon, and a deterred Israel is the one whose danger to Lebanon can be reduced.” In other words, “We must win, because we have no other choice.”

But Nasrallah’s statement is not completely accurate. If you take his second sentence and change “Lebanon” to “Hezbollah”, that would be closer to the truth. Palestinians and Lebanese are not the same kind of people. Palestinians hate the Jews more than they love their lives. The Lebanese love their lives more than they hate the Jews. A war with Israel will mean many people losing their homes and all they have. Many would see Hezbollah out of their country before they allowed that to happen. The question is whether they are strong enough to accomplish that. I believe they likely have until the middle of May to make it happen.


On Wednesday, Iran’s main north-south gas pipeline was cut by two massive explosions. Tehran claims that the incidents were acts of sabotage. Really? I can’t imagine who would ever do such a thing.

If this is an update on Israel’s wars, then why have I included Iran? Because they are the head of the snake. They have done a masterful job keeping their hands clean, while their proxies in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen have done all the dirty work. Israel is too busy at home to do anything about Iran. It would take the full power of the United States to bring justice to the radical Islamist regime. But we all know that’s not going to happen any time soon, and possibly never depending on how November’s elections go. So, for now, Israel will have to content itself with the occasional elimination of an Iranian general and an act of sabotage here and there – allegedly. 

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God's Word.

Trusted Analysis From A Biblical Worldview

Help reach the lost and equip the church with the living and active truth of God's Word in our world today.




Together, We Can Deliver A Biblical Understanding

Of News Events Around The World.

Witchcraft Is Consorting With The Powers Of Darkness And Must Always Be Rejected By Christians

It is not surprising that these forbidden practices continue today. During the Tribulation Period, the book of Revelation reveals that occult practices will be widespread. In fact, those who engage in such practices are among the ones destined for the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8; 22:14-15).

Full Speech: Netanyahu Addresses Congress — ‘If Israel’s Hands Are Tied, America Is Next’

"Defeating our brutal enemies requires both courage and clarity. Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good and evil... just as malicious lies were levelled for centuries at the Jewish people, malicious lies are now being levelled at the Jewish state."

untitled artwork 6391

Tennessee’s Month-Long Call To Prayer Seemed To Arrive Just In The Nick Of Time

It occurred to Hibbs, as it did to everyone who joined in, “Who’s to say but that bullet that missed President Trump could be a result of everybody praying during the month of July? I mean, our God does not work in circumstances that are coincidences. He works in his sovereignty.”

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD

Just because the talk on the international stage is about Rafah, that does not mean that the work is done in Gaza. It will still be several years until the tunnel structure that stretches through the entirety of the Gaza Strip is completely destroyed.

That being said, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has done a tremendous job neutralizing most of the threat in the north of the Gaza Strip. They accomplished this by going to where Hamas was hiding out and destroying them there. These necessary actions were taken despite those locations typically being protected behind humanitarian façades. Schools, mosques, and hospitals all served as human shields, and most, if not all, contained access to the underground terror tunnels. For a while, this humanitarian lie swayed public opinion against Israel. But most finally realized what was taking place. Even the worthless New York Times had to admit Monday that the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City was used by Hamas for cover, weapons storage, and as an access point for the tunnels.

One of the worst offenders for antisemitic propaganda has been Al Jazeera. Their rhetoric has been over the top and completely one-sided. Now we have a clue as to why. Mohamed Washah, a Palestinian correspondent for the news site, has been discovered to also be a “prominent commander” in a Hamas anti-tank unit. He has also been involved in air unit research and development for the terror organization. Sadly, that is exactly the type of “unbiased” reporter that you’d expect to find working for Al Jazeera. 

Khan Yunis

Just because the talk on the international stage is about Rafah, that does not mean that the work is done in Gaza. It will still be several years until the tunnel structure that stretches through the entirety of the Gaza Strip is completely destroyed.

That being said, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has done a tremendous job neutralizing most of the threat in the north of the Gaza Strip. They accomplished this by going to where Hamas was hiding out and destroying them there. These necessary actions were taken despite those locations typically being protected behind humanitarian façades. Schools, mosques, and hospitals all served as human shields, and most, if not all, contained access to the underground terror tunnels. For a while, this humanitarian lie swayed public opinion against Israel. But most finally realized what was taking place. Even the worthless New York Times had to admit Monday that the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City was used by Hamas for cover, weapons storage, and as an access point for the tunnels.

One of the worst offenders for antisemitic propaganda has been Al Jazeera. Their rhetoric has been over the top and completely one-sided. Now we have a clue as to why. Mohamed Washah, a Palestinian correspondent for the news site, has been discovered to also be a “prominent commander” in a Hamas anti-tank unit. He has also been involved in air unit research and development for the terror organization. Sadly, that is exactly the type of “unbiased” reporter that you’d expect to find working for Al Jazeera. 

Khan Yunis

As in northern Gaza, the IDF’s work in Khan Yunis has been exceptional. The force shown was both overwhelming and humanitarian. I can think of no other war where one combatant has gone through so much trouble to protect the other combatant’s civilians. Phone blasts, leaflet drops – every practical method has been used to warn people ahead of time that the IDF is coming in. It has obviously worked because tens of thousands of people fled further south prior to the operation.

What is left to do in Khan Yunis? Of course, there are the tunnels. But as saw earlier, completing that work will be a long-term project. For now, the primary work remaining is under the hospitals. Just like in Gaza, the IDF has left these medical centers for the end. This allows them to be used as long as possible and gives time for the maximum number of civilians to leave the area. Currently, the IDF is focusing on Nasser Medical Complex. The fact that the international media is going crazy over video of people being forced to leave the hospital shows just how short their memories are. In a move that so clearly shows the New York Times for what it is, on each of the two days following the paper’s admission that there were tunnels under Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, as mentioned above, they published articles by their journalist, Raja Abdulrahim, excoriating Israel and the IDF for ordering the evacuation based on claims of Hamas’ activity that “could not be independently verified.” 


Just as the IDF was focused on Gaza City then Khan Yunis, it is now setting its sights on Rafah. If you want a detailed explanation of why this is so, I encourage you to watch my Breaking News update from Monday. It is in Rafah that Israeli forces must go to destroy Hamas’s final four remaining battalions of the original 24. As always, the IDF has warned the citizenry, and thousands are fleeing north. Why are they going back the way they originally came? To the east is Israel, to the west is the Mediterranean, and to the south is Egypt. Why not just cross the border to their fellow Muslim country? Because Egypt has made it very clear that they don’t want any Palestinians coming in.

There is a strong international push against Israel moving into Rafah. Many nations are against the offensive simply because they don’t want to see Hamas finished off. They see them either as heroes, as victims, or as a necessary foil against Israel. Egypt, in particular, is warning against the offensive, but for a different reason. There are a tremendous number of tunnels between Egypt and Rafah, some of them large enough to drive a truck through. Weapons, ammunition, supplies, and, even, commodities have been smuggled through these tunnels for years. If Israel succeeds in Rafah as they have in northern Gaza and Khan Yunis, the Egyptian corruption that has allowed this smuggling will be exposed and the government will be severely embarrassed on the world stage. 

An amazing event took place in Rafah early Monday morning in the Shaburah refugee camp. A special hostage rescue team of the Israeli police snuck into the camp, used ladders to climb to the second floor of a building, blew the door off, killed three terrorists, and liberated two October 7 hostages. The entire nation wept with joy as 70-year-old Luis Har and 61-year-old Fernando Simon Marman were brought home and soon reunited with their families. This proved the other reason that the IDF is moving into Rafah. There are still 131 hostages remaining, and many of them are in that part of Gaza. The stories we are hearing from hostages who have come home include the daily raping of both women and men, severe beatings, deprivation, and other brutality. We will bring them all home, and we will make their captors pay most dearly for what they have done.


The greater war in the north has yet to begin. Hezbollah knows this, and they are scared. Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary-general of the terrorist organization, said on Tuesday, “A strong Israel is a danger to the region, and a weak, deterred, and fearful Israel constitutes a less harmful and catastrophic situation for the countries and peoples of the region. In Lebanon, a strong Israel is a danger to Lebanon, and a deterred Israel is the one whose danger to Lebanon can be reduced.” In other words, “We must win, because we have no other choice.”

But Nasrallah’s statement is not completely accurate. If you take his second sentence and change “Lebanon” to “Hezbollah”, that would be closer to the truth. Palestinians and Lebanese are not the same kind of people. Palestinians hate the Jews more than they love their lives. The Lebanese love their lives more than they hate the Jews. A war with Israel will mean many people losing their homes and all they have. Many would see Hezbollah out of their country before they allowed that to happen. The question is whether they are strong enough to accomplish that. I believe they likely have until the middle of May to make it happen.


On Wednesday, Iran’s main north-south gas pipeline was cut by two massive explosions. Tehran claims that the incidents were acts of sabotage. Really? I can’t imagine who would ever do such a thing. Totally random thought, this may be a great time to remind everyone of my Nir Tavor Mossad Thriller series. Sorry, can’t imagine what made me think of that just then.

If this is an update on Israel’s wars, then why have I included Iran? Because they are the head of the snake. They have done a masterful job keeping their hands clean, while their proxies in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen have done all the dirty work. Israel is too busy at home to do anything about Iran. It would take the full power of the United States to bring justice to the radical Islamist regime. But we all know that’s not going to happen any time soon, and possibly never depending on how November’s elections go. So, for now, Israel will have to content itself with the occasional elimination of an Iranian general and an act of sabotage here and there – allegedly. 

As in northern Gaza, the IDF’s work in Khan Yunis has been exceptional. The force shown was both overwhelming and humanitarian. I can think of no other war where one combatant has gone through so much trouble to protect the other combatant’s civilians. Phone blasts, leaflet drops – every practical method has been used to warn people ahead of time that the IDF is coming in. It has obviously worked because tens of thousands of people fled further south prior to the operation.

What is left to do in Khan Yunis? Of course, there are the tunnels. But as saw earlier, completing that work will be a long-term project. For now, the primary work remaining is under the hospitals. Just like in Gaza, the IDF has left these medical centers for the end. This allows them to be used as long as possible and gives time for the maximum number of civilians to leave the area. Currently, the IDF is focusing on Nasser Medical Complex. The fact that the international media is going crazy over video of people being forced to leave the hospital shows just how short their memories are. In a move that so clearly shows the New York Times for what it is, on each of the two days following the paper’s admission that there were tunnels under Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, as mentioned above, they published articles by their journalist, Raja Abdulrahim, excoriating Israel and the IDF for ordering the evacuation based on claims of Hamas’ activity that “could not be independently verified.” 


Just as the IDF was focused on Gaza City then Khan Yunis, it is now setting its sights on Rafah. If you want a detailed explanation of why this is so, I encourage you to watch my Breaking News update from Monday. It is in Rafah that Israeli forces must go to destroy Hamas’s final four remaining battalions of the original 24. As always, the IDF has warned the citizenry, and thousands are fleeing north. Why are they going back the way they originally came? To the east is Israel, to the west is the Mediterranean, and to the south is Egypt. Why not just cross the border to their fellow Muslim country? Because Egypt has made it very clear that they don’t want any Palestinians coming in.

There is a strong international push against Israel moving into Rafah. Many nations are against the offensive simply because they don’t want to see Hamas finished off. They see them either as heroes, as victims, or as a necessary foil against Israel. Egypt, in particular, is warning against the offensive, but for a different reason. There are a tremendous number of tunnels between Egypt and Rafah, some of them large enough to drive a truck through. Weapons, ammunition, supplies, and, even, commodities have been smuggled through these tunnels for years. If Israel succeeds in Rafah as they have in northern Gaza and Khan Yunis, the Egyptian corruption that has allowed this smuggling will be exposed and the government will be severely embarrassed on the world stage. 

An amazing event took place in Rafah early Monday morning in the Shaburah refugee camp. A special hostage rescue team of the Israeli police snuck into the camp, used ladders to climb to the second floor of a building, blew the door off, killed three terrorists, and liberated two October 7 hostages. The entire nation wept with joy as 70-year-old Luis Har and 61-year-old Fernando Simon Marman were brought home and soon reunited with their families. This proved the other reason that the IDF is moving into Rafah. There are still 131 hostages remaining, and many of them are in that part of Gaza. The stories we are hearing from hostages who have come home include the daily raping of both women and men, severe beatings, deprivation, and other brutality. We will bring them all home, and we will make their captors pay most dearly for what they have done.


The greater war in the north has yet to begin. Hezbollah knows this, and they are scared. Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary-general of the terrorist organization, said on Tuesday, “A strong Israel is a danger to the region, and a weak, deterred, and fearful Israel constitutes a less harmful and catastrophic situation for the countries and peoples of the region. In Lebanon, a strong Israel is a danger to Lebanon, and a deterred Israel is the one whose danger to Lebanon can be reduced.” In other words, “We must win, because we have no other choice.”

But Nasrallah’s statement is not completely accurate. If you take his second sentence and change “Lebanon” to “Hezbollah”, that would be closer to the truth. Palestinians and Lebanese are not the same kind of people. Palestinians hate the Jews more than they love their lives. The Lebanese love their lives more than they hate the Jews. A war with Israel will mean many people losing their homes and all they have. Many would see Hezbollah out of their country before they allowed that to happen. The question is whether they are strong enough to accomplish that. I believe they likely have until the middle of May to make it happen.


On Wednesday, Iran’s main north-south gas pipeline was cut by two massive explosions. Tehran claims that the incidents were acts of sabotage. Really? I can’t imagine who would ever do such a thing.

If this is an update on Israel’s wars, then why have I included Iran? Because they are the head of the snake. They have done a masterful job keeping their hands clean, while their proxies in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen have done all the dirty work. Israel is too busy at home to do anything about Iran. It would take the full power of the United States to bring justice to the radical Islamist regime. But we all know that’s not going to happen any time soon, and possibly never depending on how November’s elections go. So, for now, Israel will have to content itself with the occasional elimination of an Iranian general and an act of sabotage here and there – allegedly. 

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and equip the church with Biblical truth.

Witchcraft Is Consorting With The Powers Of Darkness And Must Always Be Rejected By Christians

It is not surprising that these forbidden practices continue today. During the Tribulation Period, the book of Revelation reveals that occult practices will be widespread. In fact, those who engage in such practices are among the ones destined for the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8; 22:14-15).

Full Speech: Netanyahu Addresses Congress — ‘If Israel’s Hands Are Tied, America Is Next’

"Defeating our brutal enemies requires both courage and clarity. Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good and evil... just as malicious lies were levelled for centuries at the Jewish people, malicious lies are now being levelled at the Jewish state."

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Tennessee’s Month-Long Call To Prayer Seemed To Arrive Just In The Nick Of Time

It occurred to Hibbs, as it did to everyone who joined in, “Who’s to say but that bullet that missed President Trump could be a result of everybody praying during the month of July? I mean, our God does not work in circumstances that are coincidences. He works in his sovereignty.”

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD