May 9, 2024

Thursday, May 9, 2024
May 9, 2024

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World news biblically understood


When A Nation Quickly Turns From Post-Christian To Anti-Christian—How Do We Respond?

Hal Lindsey

A few years ago, we would often hear that the United States had entered a post-Christian era. Looking back, it’s amazing how fast post-Christian turned into anti-Christian. The Facebook pages of certain groups show an amazing number of anti-Christian memes. They don’t present thoughtful arguments, but cute little one-liners. 

And the vitriol is stunning. They seethe with hatred for all things Christian. They hate churches. They hate the individual followers of Jesus. And they hate every hint that this society once held Jesus and the Bible in high esteem.

You wonder who they are arguing with. The commenters on such pages all agree with one another. It’s as if they just want the comfort of knowing that there are people out there who hate God as much as they do.

Sadly, outrage against the Jesus of the Bible and His followers is growing in size and intensity. You may have friends or family members who have been infected.

The natural, human, fleshly thing, would be to respond in kind. That means answering hate with hate. But that’s not what Jesus said to do. These are people for whom He died. Our goal is not to outwit them, make them look foolish, or show them that we, too, can curse like sailors. Our goal is to win them to Christ.

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In Your Inbox

We must not respond by hiding. We should not hide our eyes, pretending that this is just another societal phase, and that all things continue as they have from the beginning. Neither should we hide by retreating into our homes, never venturing beyond our “safe” neighborhoods, and by hunkering down in churches that refuse to engage the world.

In any case, hiding will not long remain an option. When a tornado is ripping apart your home, hiding your eyes does not make you safer. There comes a point when you can’t pretend that everything is normal. If a church preaches God’s word, Satan’s world system will attack it. Your neighborhood may seem quiet on the surface, but it is almost certainly being invaded by drugs, pornography, and hate.

Hiding is fear-based, and our response must be faith-based. Understand what’s going on. But don’t forget that the most important part of any situation is that the God who created all things is still in charge. So, do what He says.

In Matthew 5:44, Jesus gave us explicit instructions. “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”

Hal Lindsey is an author and Bible prophecy teacher who hosts the weekly news and commentary series “The Hal Lindsey Report.”

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Of News Events Around The World.

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Are On A Collision Course With God

Judgment is coming one day. Woe to those who say that Jews should be returned to the ovens. Woe to those who say the Jews should be eliminated from the river to the sea. God says that those who do such things are on a collision course with Him—and they will lose for all eternity. 

‘Talk About Losing Your Way’: Christians Respond To Boy Scouts’ Decision To Drop ‘Boy’ From Its Name

"They should’ve just stuck with what they were founded to be 114 years ago," Graham underscored. "The Boy Scouts Oath says, 'I will do my best to do my duty to God...' It’s no surprise that thousands of parents are choosing other options"

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‘Hour Of Decision’: Examining The Remarkable History Of The ‘National Day Of Prayer’

The rally was a historic event. Mr. Graham’s message marked the first time an evangelistic service had been conducted from the steps of the nation’s Capitol. But America’s Pastor was far more concerned with the significance. It was time to pray. It was time to get real with God.

ABC's of Salvation


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Hal Lindsey

A few years ago, we would often hear that the United States had entered a post-Christian era. Looking back, it’s amazing how fast post-Christian turned into anti-Christian. The Facebook pages of certain groups show an amazing number of anti-Christian memes. They don’t present thoughtful arguments, but cute little one-liners. 

And the vitriol is stunning. They seethe with hatred for all things Christian. They hate churches. They hate the individual followers of Jesus. And they hate every hint that this society once held Jesus and the Bible in high esteem.

You wonder who they are arguing with. The commenters on such pages all agree with one another. It’s as if they just want the comfort of knowing that there are people out there who hate God as much as they do.

Sadly, outrage against the Jesus of the Bible and His followers is growing in size and intensity. You may have friends or family members who have been infected.

The natural, human, fleshly thing, would be to respond in kind. That means answering hate with hate. But that’s not what Jesus said to do. These are people for whom He died. Our goal is not to outwit them, make them look foolish, or show them that we, too, can curse like sailors. Our goal is to win them to Christ.

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In Your Inbox

We must not respond by hiding. We should not hide our eyes, pretending that this is just another societal phase, and that all things continue as they have from the beginning. Neither should we hide by retreating into our homes, never venturing beyond our “safe” neighborhoods, and by hunkering down in churches that refuse to engage the world.

In any case, hiding will not long remain an option. When a tornado is ripping apart your home, hiding your eyes does not make you safer. There comes a point when you can’t pretend that everything is normal. If a church preaches God’s word, Satan’s world system will attack it. Your neighborhood may seem quiet on the surface, but it is almost certainly being invaded by drugs, pornography, and hate.

Hiding is fear-based, and our response must be faith-based. Understand what’s going on. But don’t forget that the most important part of any situation is that the God who created all things is still in charge. So, do what He says.

In Matthew 5:44, Jesus gave us explicit instructions. “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”

Hal Lindsey is an author and Bible prophecy teacher who hosts the weekly news and commentary series “The Hal Lindsey Report.”

Today's News Needs A Biblical Analysis.

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Pro-Palestinian Protesters Are On A Collision Course With God

Judgment is coming one day. Woe to those who say that Jews should be returned to the ovens. Woe to those who say the Jews should be eliminated from the river to the sea. God says that those who do such things are on a collision course with Him—and they will lose for all eternity. 

‘Talk About Losing Your Way’: Christians Respond To Boy Scouts’ Decision To Drop ‘Boy’ From Its Name

"They should’ve just stuck with what they were founded to be 114 years ago," Graham underscored. "The Boy Scouts Oath says, 'I will do my best to do my duty to God...' It’s no surprise that thousands of parents are choosing other options"

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‘Hour Of Decision’: Examining The Remarkable History Of The ‘National Day Of Prayer’

The rally was a historic event. Mr. Graham’s message marked the first time an evangelistic service had been conducted from the steps of the nation’s Capitol. But America’s Pastor was far more concerned with the significance. It was time to pray. It was time to get real with God.

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

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Decision Magazine V AD