July 26, 2024

Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Is It ‘Fair’ to Allow Men to Compete in Women’s Sports?

Transgender athletes,men competing in women's sports,fairness in women's sports

We’re increasingly seeing news items of men dominating women’s sports. These men identify as women and then compete against women, often crushing the competition and even breaking previous records. And that’s just one example of the war on women that is the gender revolution! Sadly, the current US administration’s policy on this whole matter is anti-science and goes against God’s created order and thus is also anti-women.

Recently, the governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem, discussed how her state’s new legislation is protecting girls’ and women’s sports in her state. She said:

There are very physical differences between males and females. And that is one of the issues that we’re talking about, the biological differences and making sure that we’re protecting girls’ sports so that girls have a level playing field, they have the opportunity to be successful. And that’s something that was fought for many years ago. We here in South Dakota will protect that right, for boys to play in boys’ sports and girls should play in girls’ sports.

I think a lot of people across the country are trying to take this issue and make it into personal beliefs or to send a message on a different issue when really what this comes down to is fairness, fairness for girls, giving them a level playing field. So that if they compete in these sports they can be successful, and they have the opportunity to go to college, get scholarships, to be a professional and make sure that they’re competing against someone who is given the same gifts and the same level of physical abilities that they were.

She’s right that there are “very physical differences between males and females.” God didn’t make us the same! He designed men and women to be different (yet created equally in his image), and it’s a “very good” design. It’s a sinful heart, in a broken world, that twists God’s very good design and his created order and says men and women are exactly the same or that there’s really no such thing at all—men can be women, and women men. Such thinking is contrary to science and is really a destructive war on women and children.

Once the natural order of things has been corrupted by man, man on his own can’t repair things. 

Ecclesiastes 1:15 KJV – “That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered.”

What we need is a return to the authority of God’s Word beginning in Genesis. In our culture, autonomous human reasoning determines right from wrong and what’s supposedly “true.” But it’s God’s infallible, inerrant Word that is the absolute standard for morality and truth. We must patiently and boldly call our friends, family, and the culture at large, back to God’s Word, rather than man’s word.

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God's Word.

Trusted Analysis From A Biblical Worldview

Help reach the lost and equip the church with the living and active truth of God's Word in our world today.




Together, We Can Deliver A Biblical Understanding

Of News Events Around The World.

The Ramifications Of Blackstone And The WEF Purchasing Our Genetic Information

There has been some recent talk about Blackstone buying Ancestry.com for 4.7 billion dollars. The concern with this news is that Blackstone now has access to...

Witchcraft Is Consorting With The Powers Of Darkness And Must Always Be Rejected By Christians

It is not surprising that these forbidden practices continue today. During the Tribulation Period, the book of Revelation reveals that occult practices will be widespread. In fact, those who engage in such practices are among the ones destined for the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8; 22:14-15).

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Tennessee’s Month-Long Call To Prayer Seemed To Arrive Just In The Nick Of Time

It occurred to Hibbs, as it did to everyone who joined in, “Who’s to say but that bullet that missed President Trump could be a result of everybody praying during the month of July? I mean, our God does not work in circumstances that are coincidences. He works in his sovereignty.”

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD

Transgender athletes,men competing in women's sports,fairness in women's sports

We’re increasingly seeing news items of men dominating women’s sports. These men identify as women and then compete against women, often crushing the competition and even breaking previous records. And that’s just one example of the war on women that is the gender revolution! Sadly, the current US administration’s policy on this whole matter is anti-science and goes against God’s created order and thus is also anti-women.

Recently, the governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem, discussed how her state’s new legislation is protecting girls’ and women’s sports in her state. She said:

There are very physical differences between males and females. And that is one of the issues that we’re talking about, the biological differences and making sure that we’re protecting girls’ sports so that girls have a level playing field, they have the opportunity to be successful. And that’s something that was fought for many years ago. We here in South Dakota will protect that right, for boys to play in boys’ sports and girls should play in girls’ sports.

I think a lot of people across the country are trying to take this issue and make it into personal beliefs or to send a message on a different issue when really what this comes down to is fairness, fairness for girls, giving them a level playing field. So that if they compete in these sports they can be successful, and they have the opportunity to go to college, get scholarships, to be a professional and make sure that they’re competing against someone who is given the same gifts and the same level of physical abilities that they were.

She’s right that there are “very physical differences between males and females.” God didn’t make us the same! He designed men and women to be different (yet created equally in his image), and it’s a “very good” design. It’s a sinful heart, in a broken world, that twists God’s very good design and his created order and says men and women are exactly the same or that there’s really no such thing at all—men can be women, and women men. Such thinking is contrary to science and is really a destructive war on women and children.

Once the natural order of things has been corrupted by man, man on his own can’t repair things. 

Ecclesiastes 1:15 KJV – “That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered.”

What we need is a return to the authority of God’s Word beginning in Genesis. In our culture, autonomous human reasoning determines right from wrong and what’s supposedly “true.” But it’s God’s infallible, inerrant Word that is the absolute standard for morality and truth. We must patiently and boldly call our friends, family, and the culture at large, back to God’s Word, rather than man’s word.

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and equip the church with Biblical truth.

The Ramifications Of Blackstone And The WEF Purchasing Our Genetic Information

There has been some recent talk about Blackstone buying Ancestry.com for 4.7 billion dollars. The concern with this news is that Blackstone now has access to...

Witchcraft Is Consorting With The Powers Of Darkness And Must Always Be Rejected By Christians

It is not surprising that these forbidden practices continue today. During the Tribulation Period, the book of Revelation reveals that occult practices will be widespread. In fact, those who engage in such practices are among the ones destined for the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8; 22:14-15).

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Tennessee’s Month-Long Call To Prayer Seemed To Arrive Just In The Nick Of Time

It occurred to Hibbs, as it did to everyone who joined in, “Who’s to say but that bullet that missed President Trump could be a result of everybody praying during the month of July? I mean, our God does not work in circumstances that are coincidences. He works in his sovereignty.”

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD