July 26, 2024

Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Immigration Crisis And Open Borders: One More Piece Of The Global Agenda Falling Into Place

Mark Hitchcock

The number one issue in America right now is immigration.

Title 42 expired May 11. It was a Trump-era pandemic policy that blocked many foreigners from crossing into the United States to seek asylum. The expiration of Title 42 is really opening the floodgates of immigration on our southern border.

Long lines of migrants are amassed at our border right now. The Biden administration is sending 1500 troops to assist with the migrant surge. It’s expected to go from about 7500 per day to about 12,000 per day. Experts are saying the dam’s about to break, and it’s been called the greatest border crisis in world history.

In 2022, about 3 million migrants crossed the border into the United States. It was about 2.8 million which broke the previous record of the year before by 1 million. Now 2023 is smashing that record. Things in our country have reached a breaking point.

Political Ramifications — “Invasion” Of Our Country?

There are over 11 and a half million undocumented migrants in the United States. Just to give one example of what this is causing in our country, in New York City, which is a sanctuary city where many migrants have been bused from Texas and other places, it’s costing $8 million a day just for migrant housing. Billions in education and social services are having to be poured into this from our national treasury and our coffers.

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When you think about this, there are a lot of political ramifications. We all know that immigration is a part of the DNA of America. We’re a melting-pot nation. The problem is, in many cases today, the melting pot is no longer melting. Many people are defying assimilation into our country.

The American public is becoming more and more frustrated and angry about what’s happening. A poll released last August found over half of the people in America view what’s happening at our southern border as an “invasion” of our country. 

Personal Implications — What Does The Bible Say?

Practically and personally, what do we do in the midst of this? Well, of course, we vote, and we let our opinions be known, but as believers in Jesus Christ, we do have an obligation when people are here in our country to treat them with kindness and goodness. In God’s providence, if he’s allowing people to come here, we should use this as an opportunity to share the Gospel.

The Old Testament does speak to this about “the foreigner in your land,” but it’s not exactly the same as what we have today.

God charged the people of Israel to care for strangers and sojourners who came among them. In fact, in Exodus 23:9 it says, “thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for ye know the heart of a stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.” God appealed to their own history. 

The overarching Old Testament principle, however, was that strangers who desired to live in Israel were to be subject to the same laws as the native Israelites. Leviticus 18:26 says this, “Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you:”

When people came into Israel, they were expected to keep Israel’s laws and to become assimilated into Israel’s culture. The problem today is that the first act of illegal immigrants is to break US law! By the very act of them coming here, they’re breaking the laws of our nation, which is not something that was conceived for those who came into Israel back in Old Testament times. 

The New Testament doesn’t really address immigration directly. But we do find Jesus had an attitude of love and acceptance towards non-Israelites throughout His earthly ministry.

There are a lot of practical, personal implications that you and I have to sift and navigate as we go through our lives, but we want to use whatever opportunities God gives us to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ in the midst of what is really a very difficult situation.

Prophetic Implications — A More Sinister Global Agenda?

Let me move now to the prophetic implications. The Bible tells us in Genesis 10-11 that there was worldwide unity at one point in time. They were all gathered together at the Tower of Babel and were dispersed by God, by having their languages confounded. God scattered, established nations, and established boundaries for those nations.

The National separateness that we experienced today is a God-ordained protection against one of the worst effects of the fall of man, which is man’s prideful craving for power. The apostle Paul says in Acts 17:26-27 that God has “made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:”

Paul is saying here that God scattered people and set the boundaries of their dwelling, so they would seek after God. The problem is that global elites want to reverse this and go back to battle. They want open borders, and they want global citizens.

Most of you know that the World Economic Forum was founded in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, who is the undisputed godfather of globalism. The stated mission of the World Economic Forum is to shape global, regional, and industry agendas. Since 1971, Schwab and his fellow earthshaking comrades have convened each year to brainstorm concerning how to overtake existing national infrastructure and turn them into spokes of what we might call a Global Wheel, which feeds into a unified Central World Government. It’s called the Davos agenda because that’s where the World Economic Forum meets every year.

Sadly the current administration in the United States deliberately refuses to enforce laws on our borders and even threatens States that attempt to enforce them. Why is that? Because ultimately, there’s an agenda that’s energized by Satan. It’s a globalist agenda that’s preparing the world for the Antichrist and his global governance. Of course, this is prophesied often in Scripture, Revelation 13 being the main chapter.

Global elites are intentional about accelerating their one-world agenda.

Let me just read a paragraph from a book that Jeff Kinley and I wrote together called The Global Reset: 

The whole idea of a global reset is predicated upon planetary unity between nations. Under a new umbrella of equality, individualism and nationalism are portrayed as the enemies. In fact, Klaus Schwab describes nationalism as nothing more than the history of nations conquering oppressed peoples. Under globalism, one surrenders all of one’s privilege, whether it be from one’s race, gender or national affiliation. World peace, another element in the plan, is achieved when religious intolerance is erased. There are no borders in this new world of globalism. This philosophy is on full display through the current administration’s porous border policy. Unfortunately, this illegal immigration crisis is not likely to be solved. With globalism, there’s no segmenting between citizens and non-citizens, as we’re all world citizens. Those who oppose this growing surge of globalism are perceived as hindrances to progress and peace in the human race.

We see this being accelerated in the United States because we’re really the final superpower in the world—with China hard at our heels. They want to destroy the borders, and they see those who stand in their way as obstacles in the path that have to be removed. 

It’s intentional what we see taking place. Prophetically, this is part of a sinister satanic strategy that’s described and designed to take the world back to Babel under the rule of one man.

Immigration is just one more piece of this global agenda in the world prophetic puzzle that’s falling into place. 

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