July 26, 2024

Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

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World news biblically understood



Alliance defending freedom (ADF) is the world's largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, parental rights, and God's design for marriage and family.


Alliance defending freedom (ADF) is the world's largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, parental rights, and God's design for marriage and family.

ADF To Supreme Court: Social Media Isn’t A Free Pass To Suppress Speech

“Social media is the modern public square, and government officials need to be held responsible... Government officials cannot hide behind technology to pick and choose which viewpoints are allowed on issues of public concern."

‘People Of Faith Are Not Second-Class Citizens’: SEC Is Throttling Religious Shareholders, ADF Warns

“ It can’t pick and choose which viewpoints get a hearing in the public square. Every shareholder deserves a voice—not just those who happen to agree with the government’s current views on a hot-button issue.”

Commentators And Activists Are ‘Blatantly Distorting The Facts’ About Religious Freedom Centered SCOTUS Decision

“This manufactured sideshow is a frantic attempt to delegitimize a historic Supreme Court decision, a client whom Colorado censored for seven years, and a court that upheld a foundational American principle."

California Required To Pay Out $1.4M For Forcing Churches To Pay For Abortion Coverage

“For years, California officials, in collaboration with Planned Parenthood, have unconstitutionally targeted faith-based organizations. This is a significant victory for the churches we represent…”

ADF Lawsuit Seeks To Hold Biden Admin Accountable For Partnering With Big Tech To Censor Disfavored Views

“No one should have to fear being deplatformed just because someone at Google disagrees with what they have to say or what they believe. And it’s illegal when the government does it."

‘Image-Bearers Of God’: New Mexico Doctors No Longer Required To Participate In Assisted Suicide

“Dr. Lacy and the thousands of other Christian medical professionals we represent believe every life is sacred and full of inherent value, and that assisted suicide ends an innocent human life without justification."

European Court of Human Rights Condemns Russia After Anti-Terrorism Law Was Used To Criminalize Pastor

"Millions of people around the world are free to do this without interference, but I was treated like a criminal and convicted under a Russian law directed at terrorists."

‘Watershed Moment’: UK Parliament Approves Censorship Zones, Rejects Amendments To Protect Silent Prayer

“There was nothing [Isabel Vaughan-Spruce] was obviously doing which was harassment or in any way objectionable. The police officer had to actually go into her mind… this is what surely is quite dangerous.”