April 29, 2024

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April 29, 2024

STAND FOR Biblical Truth 

Cissie Graham Lynch: Feeling Inadequate for the Task? The Fix is ‘Simple’

We all have times that we feel inadequate for what God has called us to do. I was recently asked to speak at an apologetics conference, but after I accepted, I started to think, “What am I going to share?” Then I remembered a similar story my grandfather shared – about how the simple message of the Gospel was all that’s needed to reach the hearts of those who hear it.

With my grandfather’s example in mind, I decided to talk about the simplicity and power of the Gospel. That’s also what I share with you on this episode of Fearless. I remind you—and myself—that the Gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives and needs to be shared with people now more than ever. We have an opportunity to be a light in an increasingly dark world. Because after all, it’s in the darkest of nights that the light shines the brightest.

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Cissie Graham Lynch: Feeling Inadequate for the Task? The Fix is ‘Simple’

We all have times that we feel inadequate for what God has called us to do. I was recently asked to speak at an apologetics conference, but after I accepted, I started to think, “What am I going to share?” Then I remembered a similar story my grandfather shared – about how the simple message of the Gospel was all that’s needed to reach the hearts of those who hear it.

With my grandfather’s example in mind, I decided to talk about the simplicity and power of the Gospel. That’s also what I share with you on this episode of Fearless. I remind you—and myself—that the Gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives and needs to be shared with people now more than ever. We have an opportunity to be a light in an increasingly dark world. Because after all, it’s in the darkest of nights that the light shines the brightest.

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