April 13, 2024

Saturday, April 13, 2024
April 13, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Chad Thomas

Chad Thomas does weekly Bible Prophecy Updates on his Youtube (Watchman On The Wall 88), where he alerts people to the times we are living in and provides encouragement to believers in a perilous world.

Chad Thomas

Chad Thomas does weekly Bible Prophecy Updates on his Youtube (Watchman On The Wall 88), where he alerts people to the times we are living in and provides encouragement to believers in a perilous world.

How to Finish Strong In Distressing Times

This Christian life is a race, and we need to make sure we utilize the tools God has given us so we can finish this race strong.

Vaccine Passports & The Mark – Freedoms With Conditions

In 2020 it was “no mask, no service.” In 2021 it’s looking to become “no vaccine, no service.” Eventually, it will be “no mark, no service.”

Chad Thomas: Heavenly Rewards – Let No Man Take Thy Crown!

We are all part of the team, the Body Of Christ, but let us strive for the crowns to lay down at our King's feet...

Chad Thomas: Christmas Time & The Remnant Believer

A widely discussed question amongst Christians today is, "Should we celebrate Christmas? After all, it is a Pagan Holiday."

Chad Thomas: Changing Times & the Remnant Believer

As we near the Lord Jesus’ Return to Rapture His church, we know that the Enemy is on the prowl to steal, kill, and destroy. In this article, I want to go over a few points on what we as believers need to be doing in these Final Moments to remain victorious in the face of discouragement.

Mockers & Scoffers are Fulfilling Bible Prophecy!

The world scoffed at Noah before the flood; they mocked Lot before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah; so too will the world mock those who are longing for the Return of Christ! Be Encouraged! This ridicule is a fulfilment of Bible Prophecy!

Chad Thomas Bible Prophecy Update: Mideast ‘Peace And Safety’

Are we seeing the stage being set for Daniel 9:27? It's looking very possible... Chad discusses the so called "Abraham Accord" Peace Deal.

Chad Thomas: The Key That UNLOCKED The Final Countdown

Why am I so confident that Jesus is coming soon? To understand this more clearly, you have to understand God's prophetic timepiece: The nation of Israel. 

Chad Thomas: The Rapture – Why It’s Called The Blessed Hope

Chad takes an in-depth look at why the Rapture is called our 'Blessed Hope'. Why is it such a blessing and why should we be placing our hope in it?

Chad Thomas: Is the Coronavirus Pandemic the Trojan Horse of the New World Order?

What we are seeing with the COVID-19 is a trojan horse for a coming world order & the rise of the Antichrist. The stage is being set for what comes next...